Khandu ensure the welfare and development of BRO labourers working in Arunachal

Chief Minister Pema Khandu assured the BRO Labourers Union of his full commitment to ensure the welfare and development of BRO labourers working in Arunachal in a meeting with the union held today.
The Chief Minister said steps will be taken to resolve their problems when the union called on today expressing their grievances on the hard working conditions and they being denied of their legitimate rights like labour laws, constitution of BRO, right to education, laws of the land etc.
The union also expressed that they were not provided with proper accommodation, electricity supply, medical facilities, no schools for their children and no social security as they had to work in remote jungles and high altitude areas.
Further they informed that BRO labourers are not covered under any well defined policy for promotion and regularisation of service and also they were denied of any holiday leaves and casual leaves as enjoyed by labourers working under Arunachal government.
The union requested the Chief Minister to intervene in the matter with the central government so that necessary directions may be issued to the Director General, Border Roads for providing benefits to BRO labourers as per the law of the land. Also they requested for his intervention to enable all labourers to be registered under ‘Arunachal Pradesh Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board’ to avail the social security schemes provided under the boards act.
The Chief Minister assured to take up the matter with the union ministry for labour and employment.