Arunachal: TOT on PRI-SHGs-CBO Convergence on Preparation of GPDP-MVMDP held at Namsai

Arunachal: The SIRD & PR and BMMU Namsai, ArSRLM conducted three days Training of Trainers (TOT) on preparation of Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP)- My Village My Development Plan (MVMDP) at Namsai District, on 24th , 25th and 26th of March 2021. The trainees were SHGs members from different 30 Primary Level federations (PLF).
State Level Master Trainer Mr. Tamar Baki from SIRD &PR provided insight knowledge about PRIs, Powers and functions of Gram Sabha, and also gave an overview on Rural Development Programmes such as PMAY, SBM and NSAP. He also screened a short movie as a visual IEC, to give better understanding about GPDP-MVMDP among the participants.
He talked about the role of SHGs and CBOs in preparation of GDPD. The SHGs didis were trained to prepare GPDP-MVMDP through participatory rural appraisal (PRA). On the final day the participants presented a couple of sample of GPDP, they presented Social-Resource Maps and seasonal calendar of their selected local areas.
Later the SHGs didis shared their experience and learning from the training and informed that they are now confident and ready to train others. The trainees were awarded with certificates on completion of the training.
The programme was honoured by Mrs Y. Duku Nalo Asst. Project officer Agri. &Allied DRDA, Namsai, who encouraged the participants to garner as much knowledge as possible during the training course. More than 40 SHG members from Namsai and Chowkham Block and Officials of BMMU Namsai, ArSRLM participated in the training.
The Training was organised at BMMU Training Hall, Namsai, ArSRLM.