Arunachal: RGU organised Ten-Days International Online Workshop on “21st century skills for Personal and Professional Life”

ITANAGAR- A Ten-Days International Online Workshop on “21st century skills for Personal and Professional Life” was organized jointly by the Department of Psychology and Department of Social Work, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh in collaboration with Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SOIOP), India.
The program was commenced with a welcome address from Dr. Dharmeshwari Lourembam, Head, Department of Psychology, RGU. There after welcome speech and briefing about the theme of the workshop was given by Prof. Sandeep Kumar, Secretary, SOIOP. Gracing the inaugural session, the Guest of Honor, Prof. Saroj Verma, Head, Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi spoke on the importance of life skills in satisfaction with family and professional life. Furthermore, she extended her best wishes to the organizing committee for a successful conduction of the program.
The Chief guest of the Inaugural program, Prof. Sibnath Deb, Director, RGYNDP, deliberated on the importance of skill development and entrepreneurship to streamline oneself with the goals of being a ‘Aatma Nirbhar’ nation. President of the Inaugural function, Prof Saket Kushwaha, Honourable Vice Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi University stressed on the importance of soft skills and other life skills in acquiring professional success. He also emphasized on the importance of balance between personal and professional life in navigating through the challenges of life. Convenor of the program, Dr. Kaushalendra Pratap Singh, Head, Department of Social Work, RGU delivered the vote of thanks and concluded the Inaugural program.
The first technical session of the day was delivered by Prof. Sibnath Deb, Director, RGYNDP on the topic of “Understanding Skill Development” where he emphasized the importance of skills in one’s personal and occupational life and highlighted the various types of skills – hard skills, soft skills, physical skills and cognitive skills. The session was chaired by Prof. A.P. Singh, President, SOIOP, India.
The second technical session of the day was delivered by Prof. Claude-Hélène Mayer, Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. She deliberated on the topic of Emotion Management and Emotional intelligence in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. She also adopted and discussed a positive psychology perspective on emotional wellbeing and capacity building.
Around 80 participants registered and attended the programme via Google Meet and Facebook Live.