Arunachal: Plant more tree and use its products- Kumsi Sidisow

NAMSAI: Plant more tree and use its products and enjoy the life with nature, stated Kumsi Sidisow advisor to government of Arunachal Pradesh on Environment and Forest who is also Thrizino MLA. He was addressing the valedictory function of ‘ Green skill development programme’ (GSDP) on propagation and management of Bamboo.
As chief guest of the programme, Sidisaw said that we should not wait for goverment service but we should do something for self reliant for an Atmanirbhar Bharat and learn to earn through Vocal for local.
While stressing for more cultivation of plants and trees specially bamboo which he termed it as ‘ poor man’s timber’.
Sidisaw further appeal all like minded people, NGOs, SHGs and organisation to join hands to save the mother nature and planet earth from global warming.
Namsai local MLA Zingnu Namchoom said that Arunachal Pradesh is rich for flora and fauna and everyone is responsible to protect it from its extinction. Our tribal people live is rural area have lots of attachment with forest and natural resource and it is now mandatory that we should look back and do social works by planting of trees or bamboo which would economically support the family and give employment to the family members.
There are more than 40 species of bamboo out of which around 20 are only viable. We cannot reached out all types of species due to dense forest, reserve forest wildlife sanctuary etc. It is therefore required that we plant more bamboo which are useful in many ways. Namchoom said.
Director Enviroment and Climate Change Dohu Robin emphasis for laying down or purculating down the knowledge what they learned by several resource person of several technical institutions of Arunachal and Assam. The beneficeriea should try a new beginning and use the skill as an employment opportunity and economic sustainability. We will soon tie up with banks so that the trained skill beneficiaries get financial support to start business. He also thanks the institution to create more awareness of protection of environment and forest and about climate changes.
Arunachal university of studies (AUS) Vice Chancellor Dr. B Mohan Kumar, AUS Director of Agriculture Sciences, Skill development programme Dr Rani Jha, Regional Forest Research Institute (RFRI) Jorhat Dr. R S C Jayaraj, Induatries Assistant Director B.R Dey, Retired Commissioner Tape Bagra among other share their views and suggestion to the 18 trained beneficiaries from various parts of state.
The training was given practical and technical training on propagation and management of bamboo under green skill development plan inder Directorate of Environment and Climate Change of department of Environmental and forest.
The certificate of training was also handed over to the beneficiaries on the occassion.