
Arunachal: North east is the house of Bamboo- Chowna Mein

North east is the house of Bamboo but we do not have proper entrepreneurship to treat the bamboo and make quality finished products- Chowna Mein.


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10 Days Bamboo Workshop on ‘Building with Bamboo’ concluded with a positive note at Golden Pagoda Complex, Noi Cheinam, Tengapani today.

Mein in his valedictory speech said that a Vision Document will be prepared to draw a road map for future course of action for development of Eco-Tourism with Bamboo in the State. For the purpose, he asked the Secretary (Tourism), Sadhana Deori to lead the group of officers for preparing the vision document in consultation with all the Stakeholders including South Asia Bamboo Foundation (SABF) and Integrated Mountain Initiatives (IMI).

He further said that North east is the house of Bamboo but we do not have proper entrepreneurship to treat the bamboo and make quality finished products. He said that the bamboo treatment can be done with a simple technology which can be done in the household which our people should learned as the treated bamboo would cost more than the raw bamboo and will also last longer.

He also asked Dr Ajoy Bhatacharya, Retired IFS, Managing Director of National Green Highway Mission, NHAI-MoRTH to prepare a project proposal for development of green highway in the State.

Mein also said that he will further requests the GST Council to reduce GST on Bamboo and its products from present 12% to 5%.

Attending the closing session as the Chief Guest, Minister of Environment & Forest,  Nabam Rebia lauded the Deputy Chief Minister, Chowna Mein for his visionary initiative and said that the Bamboo Workshop is a first of it’s kind in the State.

He said that scientific management of bamboo is essential for the State and through such workshop should provide the technology. He said that tArunachal is making all efforts for use of bamboo for sustainable development.

He informed that a project proposal has been submitted to National Bamboo Mission covering various aspects of sustainable development through raising of plantation, establishing of nurseries, enhancement of income through raising of plantation, establishing nurseries, enhancement of income through value addition, furniture making, handicraft, assistance to bamboo industries, charcoal and bio-fuel industry, incense stick making, training and support to artisans, etc. He further said that progress is being made in this direction and department is committed to do it.

He further said that construction of Eco-huts with all items made up of bamboos has already been conceptualized and it will be implemented in the field to boost eco-tourism. He invited the bamboo experts to visit other parts of the State too and said that the Govt will provide every logistic support for best utilization of the bamboo.

Minister of Agriculture, Dr Mohesh Chai said that the Workshop is a milestone towards establishment of bamboo industry in the State and an eye opener for us. Highlighting the Bamboo potentials of the State, he said that according to statistics on Bamboo, we are sitting on mines of green gold, i.e. Bamboo. He said that since our State is basically a rural oriented one with 80% of the population residing in the Villages, people depend mostly on bamboo for their livelihood and sustenance.

He said that the need of the hour is formation of a Bamboo Policy in the State to make best use of bamboo resources besides forming Policies on Eco-tourism, Bamboo processing plants, skill developments and strengthening Research & Development Wing of the State.

Bamboo Specialist, Jorg Stamm make a power point presentation on innovative Bamboo structures designed and constructed by his team across the globe while Kamesh Salam, CEO, SABF highlighted the training done during the 10 days Workshop. He informed that a sample of bamboo hut is being constructed from the treated bamboo as a sample by the Workshop Team including artisan/trainess from the State in front of the Golden Pagoda which would be completed in next 10 days for all to see.

On the occasion, Secretary IMI, Fantry Jaswal Mein, Special Secretary (Planning), Himanshu Gupta and Deputy Commissioner, Namsai, Dr Tapashya Raghav also spoke on the occasion.

Dr Ajoy Bhattacharya, IFS, MD, National Green Highway Mission, NHAI-MoRTH, S T S Lepcha, IFS Retd and Ex-PCCF Uttarakhand, Mr Freddie, resource person from United Kingdom and Mr Tobgay, resource person from Bhutan also spoke on the occasion.

A panel discussion on “Bamboo for Eco-Tourism and Sustainability” by the expertise was also held on the day.

Among others, Secretary (Tourism), Sadhana Deori, APCCF, R K Singh and Officers & Officials from Namsai District, Artisans and Participants were also present in the function.

The 10 Days Workshop was organized by South Asia Bamboo Foundation and Building Technology Promotion Council, New Delhi and sponsored by the Govt of Arunachal Pradesh.

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