
Arunachal: Mahila Kisan Diwas observed in East Siang with recipe competition

Pasighat- Rashtriya Mahila Kisan Diwas, a day to celebrate the contribution of women in agriculture was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra East Siang, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Central Agricultural University (I), Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh.

Women whose contribution forms the backbone of the society to ensure long term progress and development of the society. The occassion was observed to further press and empower the women in the field of agriculture and acknowledge their role.

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As a part of the program, a recipe competition and farmers scientist interaction program was also organized. A total of 119 participants from Mebo block and Pasighat Block participated and attended the program. The program emphasized on promoting nutrition at all level and making ourselves self reliant.

The need to inculcate the habit of eating nutritious food from early stage was also talked upon as Proper nutrition is vital to build a prosperous nation. Smty. Nanom Jamoh, Member of Arunachal Pradesh State Food Commission who attended as chief guest of the occasion spoke on indigenous knowledge of food, the need to promote and go Local for Vocal and to encourage organic farming.

Prof. B. N. Hazarika, Dean, College of Horticulture and Forestry spoke on the need to recognize the contribution of women in all fields and particularly in Agriculture. During the interaction program, topic on the need to fight malnutrition for healthy generation, nutritional security through nutrition garden, incorporation of indigenous traditional knowledge in food preparation were also discussed.

For women agriprenures the need of utilization of agricultural farm implements for drudgery reduction was also emphasized. The farm women and SHGs appreciated the initiative taken by the KVK East Siang for conducting such type of event.

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