
Arunachal: International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking observed at 2nd AAP Bn, Aalo

AALO- The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was Celebrated At BHQ, 2nd AAP Bn, Aalo today, 26 June 2021. Essay competitions among senior students on the topic “Impacts of Drug Abuse on Family & Society and drawing competitions among junior students on the same topic were held and prizes and certificates were also distributed. Later Tumme  Amo, Commandant  spoke about the same topic and how to avoid and stop drug abuses.

Mr T Amo, briefed all the students and parents present about the ill effects of the drugs and its impact on the family & the society. Drug addiction and abuse affect the physical, psychological, economical and social domains of an individual. It does not only harm the addicts but has far-reaching effects on the family, friends, employers and the society as a whole, said Amo.

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He also said  in his speech, “Drugs lead to decay of health and it leads even to cancer and other communicable disease like HIV, AIDS, etc. Overdose of drugs may lead to death, physical damage and suicide. It leads to anxiety, restlessness, paranoia and low self esteem.

Explaining the impact of drugs, he informed the audiences  that ”  An addict could gradually indulge in stealing money from friends and relatives and later end up committing bigger crimes. People who are addicted to drugs are often involved in stealing or in fraud and other criminal activities. They may join organized criminal gangs and groups to meet their needs.

He also narrated about some incidents of crimes he came across including murder of own father by a drug addict. He also advised the students to live healthy life with good exercises, games,  sports, and to eat healthy food and to make good supportive and hard working friends instead of sitting dull or wasting valuable times.

To ensure drug free atmosphere within 2nd AAP Bn, it has been decided that counseling cum briefing on drug abuse shall be held at BHQ Aalo on 3rd Monday of every month at 1030 hours. All the suspected drug addicts/peddlers including their parents/guardians of 2nd AAP Bn HQ Aalo shall attend the counseling cum briefing on the date and time scheduled without fail. First such counselling was recently  held on 21st June. One night patrolling party has also been detailed to stop any drug peddling or other unwanted activities,  if any.

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