
Arunachal: Awareness campaign on Adi Customary Law begins at Mirem village

PASIGHAT ( By Maksam Tayeng ): The month long public awareness campaign on protection of Adi customary law and orientation of Adi Kebang Ayon (AKA) at various Adi  Banggos/areas and district organized by Bogum Bokang Kebang, the judiciary branch of Adi Baane Kebang (ABK) began from Mirem village community hall (Musup) today which was attended by ABK and BBK office bearers amidst general public and village Gaon Burahs.

The first day of the month long scheduled awareness campaign on Adi customary law and Adi Kebang Ayon was chaired by Tayam Dupak, Gaon Burah, General Secy. of Bilat Circle GB Association as Chairman, while ABK (apex) President, Er. Getom Borang, CE, WRD, Govt. AP attended as resource person, informed John Panyang, Convener of BBK East Siang Unit this evening in a release.

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At the very outset, aims & objectives of the awareness campaign was highlighted by ABK (apex) Secy. General, Okom Yosung while also clearing the confusion of masses on the existence of ABK and BBK. Yosung cleared that, BBK, the first Adi Social Organization where Galo brothers were also members earlier in which statesmen like Lt. Dr. Daying Ering, Lt. Bakin Pertin also once led the BBK.

However in the year 1999, Galo separated from Adi when Tanya Dabi and Bani Danggen were BBK President and Secretary respectively. After Adi and Galo separated during late 20th century, BBK became defunct. However, in the year 2008’s Ngopok ABK General Conference, a resolution was adopted to revive BBK after which BBK was kept as an ABK’s judiciary wing. Since then BBK became judicial or Kebang Branch of ABK, the Interpreter of Adi Customary Laws or the Custodian of Justice in Adi Society, clarified Yosung.

The main prime objective of the campaign is to aware Adi people for the protection of Adi Kebang Ayon and its preservation to make it as a vibrant customary law, uniform execution of AKA in all Adi areas, etc. In today’s inaugural campaign, good numbers of GBs and other senior customary law experts( Kebang Abu) who pronounced kebangs and shared ideas and existing social issues in their localities, other views and opinions for larger welfare of Adis, AKA’s translation into English version, its codification, etc.

As per today’s decision, from now onward, village Kebang Secretary of each Adi village will be the President, BBK in village level and to this effect the BBK East Siang Unit appointed each village Secretaries of Bilat Circle as village level President for village level BBK. “Appointment or induction of Village Secretary as a part of BBK is a policy to spread network of BBK more stronger for better cooperation and coordination thereby to implement AKA in Adi villages uniformly where the village GBs will naturally be as an ex-officio members of BBK”, informed John Panyang.

While in today’s awareness programme a 11 member committee was formed for Bilat Circle with a Chairman and they will compile and draft their decision to further submit the same to BBK, East Siang Unit on or before 28th February next who in turn will submit it to AKA amendment committee for final amendment. The next awareness campaign will be held at Sille Dere/community hall on 16th January and the same campaign will be conducted in all Circles/Blocks of East Siang district till 12th February next, informed BBK East Siang sources. The awareness programme is being organized by BBK East Siang Unit.

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