AdiSU Shillong donates 30 units of blood to NEIGRIHMS to save lives
Medical Superintendent of blood bank, NEIGRIHMS, Shillong has highly appreciated the team AdiSU

SHILLONG- In a noble gesture shown toward saving life, the Adi Students’ Union (AdiSU) of Shillong, Meghalaya state donated 30 units of blood to North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS) during the blood donation camp held from 5th-11th February 2022 at NEIGRIHMS medical with a theme-you don’t have to be a doctor to save life.
AdiSU Shillong led by Bonya Komi, President, Maklung Pertin blood donation organizing Chairman and Kalen Paron, General Secretary in a press release informed this evening that, total of 60 students from Adi community studying at Shillong, Meghalaya participated in the blood donation camp out of which 30 students donated bloods to the NEIGRIHMS medical. AdiSU Shillong informed that the bloods were donated to the north-east region’s renowned medical to provide free bloods for the needy and poor patients as thousands and lakhs of patients from the entire north-east visits this medical for treatment.
AdiSU Shillong President, Bonya Komi has expressed his thankfulness to the all students, especially, to the senior students and well-wishers for the donation and support extended to the AdiSU Shillong during the blood donation drive.
Meanwhile, Medical Superintendent of blood bank, NEIGRIHMS, Shillong has highly appreciated the team AdiSU Shillong for the blood donation and termed the move as a noble one while handing over a certificate of appreciation to the team AdiSU, Shillong.
“AdiSU Shillong unit has conducted a blood donation drive at NEIGRIHMS in good manner by following the protocol of Covid-19 and we encourage the students to come forward with more numbers for such noble cause in near future also”, stated the medical superintendent in their certificate of appreciation to the team AdiSU.