
Arunachal: Mock Exercise on Earthquake held at Ziro, Tawang, Longding, Namsai

ZIRO-  The Lower Subansiri District Administration and the District Disaster Management Dept. conducted a Multi-State Level Mock Exercise on Earthquake (MSLMEE) here today.

Gyati Takka General Hospital, Dani Kunia Govt. Higher Secondary School, District Secretariat, Pine Ridge Complex and Mudang Tage village were selected as incident sites for the mock exercise.

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Ten nodal officers, six observers and all departments of the district including NDRF, SDRF, district police, CAPF, medical team, fire and emergency services, ambulances, rescue vehicles and media reporting and documentation teams were roped in at the mock exercise.

Incident Commander ADC Hq. Millo Kojin supervised and monitored the exercise from incident staging area relief camp set up at Abotani Hall. Later in the afternoon, the debriefing session was presided over by Lower Subansiri Deputy Commissioner Bamin Nime.

Arunachal: Mock Exercise on Earthquake held at Ziro, Tawang, Namsai

TAWANG-   A mega State Level Mock Exercise on earthquake scenario was conducted today in Tawang. The District disaster management authority has selected five incident sites for the drill which included district hospital Tawang,  Govt Town Secondary School Tawang,  bridge at lechemey Rong near Tawang monastery, DC office Tawang and landslide site in the backside of Tapovan colony.

Indian army, paramilitary forces, NCC cadets, state police and other members of DDMA Tawang participated in the mock drill.  Simulated fire accident was also demonstrated in DC office premises, two fire engines, F&ES were deployed to douse the fire. The presence of Indian Army and Para military forces in the district made DDMA strong in terms of man power and equipments.

The mock search and rescue operations were conducted successfully  by incident response teams. Observors and appointed nodal officers observed that more heavy machineries, search and rescue equipment’s like excavators, cutter, drilling machines, warning system vehicles with drivers and a permanent DEOC for the district.

Keeping in view the mountainous terrain, single road connectivity and weather conditions a SDRF or NDRF team needs to be permanently stationed in Tawang.


Arunachal: Mock Exercise on Earthquake held at Ziro, Tawang, Longding, Namsai

LONGDING- Safety Mock Drill on Earthquake was successfully conducted in Longding district in five different locations viz :- GHSS Longding, District hospital, , Zedua colony, Main Market area, DC office in an attempt to review the management plans during unprecedented emergency situations and enhancing the abilities to respond faster, a mock drill exercise on earthquake preparedness was organized on 17th November,2022 at 5 locations  under supervision of the Mr Vijay Mate, DDMO, in association with District Administration, Health department, Security forces.
The mock drill exercise  show engagement of all the members of Incident Response system – Dakli Gara, EAC,  as incident commanding officer, security forces from police, Health department, HoDs of various line department.

Arunachal: Mock Exercise on Earthquake held at Ziro, Namsai

NAMSAI- The District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) conducted a Table Top and Mock Exercise on Earthquake scenerio in Namsai on November 15 and 17, 2022, in presence of Incident Commander (IRS) cum ADC S. Mining.  Schools, hospitals, high-rise office buildings, markets, and residential area were among the five incident sites.

The said programme was conducted under the supervision and guidance of NDMA, MHA, New Delhi, and in coordination with DDMA, Namsai and all the HoDs under Namsai District. All stakeholders, IRT team and the trained AAPDA Mitra Community Volunteers, enthusiastically participated in the Mock Exercise and completed their assigned tasks such as search and rescue of trapped people, evacuation, medical aid provision, critical road clearance and so on in well-coordinated manner as per the Incident action plan.

Furthermore, Incident Commander (IRS) cum ADC stated that this type of programme should be held periodically in order to be well prepared to deal with disaster effectively in a disaster susceptible district like Namsai, while appreciating successful conduct of the programme. ​​​​​​​

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