Arunachal Pradesh and AAU Jorhat agree to sign a MoU for GI Registration of Khamti Lahi Rice, Tawang Maize and Adi Ginger

Itanagar- Through a meaningful and fruitful Video Conferencing held between the Deputy Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Chowna Mein and the Vice-Chancellor of Assam Agriculture University, Jorhat, Prof Ashok Bhattacharya today, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh and AAU Jorhat have agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding for GI Registration of Khamti Lahi Rice, Tawang Maize and Adi Ginger (Kekir) and for other agro-technology practices, processing, packaging and marketing of agricultural produces.
Earlier in the discussion, Mein said that the Khamti Lahi Rice is known for its uniqueness in terms of its taste, aroma, size, shape, colour and cooking method and sought the technical support and cooperation from the Assam Agriculture University, Jorhat for its cultivation, processing, packaging and marketing and also for its Intellectual Proprietary Right protection like – GI Registration in a proper scientific way for generating employment and as an income source for the people/farmers of the State.
He also sought the help of AAU, Jorhat for GI Registration of Tawang Maize and local Adi Ginger (Kekir) along with Khamti Lahi Rice which are pending for last many years.
Stating the crux of the problem faced by the farmers of the State in processing, packaging and marketing of their local produces, Mein seek the help of AAU, Jorhat, the premier Institute for Agriculture in North East region for coming up with ideas and suggestions for market opportunity and accessibility.
He further said that North East Region has vast fertile agro-climatic zones ranging from sub-tropical, temperate and alpine zones which are suitable for cultivation of varieties of agricultural and horticultural crops. He opined that with so much potential of the region, it can be transformed into a food bowl of the country with the proper inputs of good quality seeds/planting materials, scientific methods of cultivation, suitable agro-technology practices and post-harvest technology, which an institute like AAU Jorhat can formulate and initiate.
Meanwhile, Prof Ashok Bhattacharya, Vice-Chancellor of Assam Agriculture University, Jorhat has agreed in principle to extend all source of cooperation and help to the State Govt in getting GI Registration of Khamti Lahi Rice, Tawang Maize and Adi Ginger (Kekir) and other technical supports.
Both the State Govt and the AAU, Jorhat has agreed to sign the formal MoU in a suitable time soon.
Among others, the Video Conference was attended by P S Lokhande, Commissioner Planning & Investment cum Agriculture Production Commissioner, Bidol Tayeng, Secretary Agriculture, Himanshu Gupta, Secretary Planning & Investment, R K Sharma, Deputy Commissioner, Namsai, Dr Pinaki Sengupta, retired Chief Scientist and former Head CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Anong Lego, Director of Agriculture and Tadu Game, Director of Agriculture Marketing.