APPSU demands shifting of Hollongi check gate control from Itanagar to Balijan PS

ITANAGAR- All Papum Poma Students’ Union (APPSU) in a memorandum submitted to Home and Boarder Affairs Minister Bamang Felix has demanded for Shifting of Hollongi Police out-post control from Itanagar Police Station to Balijan Police Station.
The students union in a memorandum today submitted to the Home Minister of which a copy was made available to this correspondent said that the Shifting of Hollongi Police out-post control from Itanagar Police Station to Balijan Police Station is required.
The jurisdiction/control of Hollongi Police out-post falls within Itanagar Police station, whereas Hollongi area falls within Balijan Police Station which is also nearest than Itanagar Police Station. In other words, Balijan Police station is nearest to Hollongi, which is located on inter-state National Highway-415 connecting Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. The memorandum said.
Since the population and market establishments of Hollongi area is increasing and many private companies is setting up in Hollongi area, there is a probability of happening of unwanted criminal activities, incidents, accidents and other problems in the area. Now a days several tea gardens and factory are also being established and the population of the area is also increasing metrically. It has been observed that the capital police has to face several untold problem which may best known to them while managing day today affairs of the bordering area of Balian circle. The APPSU said.
It is pertinent to mention here that the Hollongi police are only engaged for checking of Inner Line Permit (ILP) and monitoring of Goods vehicle’s entry and exit while the Balijan police station official/personnel’s has to attend the law and order and other issues so it would be better if the control is also handed over to the Papum Pare police and it is only a matter of jurisdiction and transfer of control from Capital police to Papum Pare police for better management. The union said.
APPSU further appeal the Home Minister for a Permanent Police out-post for Sangdupota circle under Papum pare District as the area is now becoming an education hub with establishment of Government Law college, National Institute of Technology, Television & Film institute, Entrepreneur development Institute, Government Women college and many more beside a huge population which need a permanent police out post or a police station.
The said circle is dependent on Balijan police – Station since long which is difficult for the police force for executing the duty efficiently in the Sangdupota Circle. The APPSU said.
The union has also appeal the Home Minister for Infrastructure development for Radhaso Police Out-post under Taraso Circle. Papum Pare district, the union stated that the Radhaso Police Out-post is currently functioning/stationed at Govt. Primary School Radhaso since 2014.
The present condition of the school building is also in dilapidate condition and the school itself need renovation, repairing and as such it would be better if the Home department take care of the issue and look for a better infrastructure for the Radhaso police outpost, The APPSU added.