Surabhi Producer Siddharth Kak meets with Khandu

Documentary maker, television producer and presenter, best known as the producer and presenter of Surabhi Siddharth Kak called on Chief Minister Pema Khandu here this morning.
Visiting Arunachal Pradesh for the first time, Kak acknowledged the huge potential of the state with regard to entrepreneurship in varied fields. He sought advice from the Chief Minister on important sectors that can be highlighted in his short films on Arunachal Pradesh.
Welcoming the ‘Mano Ya Na Mano’ producer, who is also an actor, Khandu assured assistance and cooperation to the unit that will come for the shoot. He requested Kak to focus and highlight the tourism potential of the state, which is going to be the major game-changer in the future economy of the state.
Informing of the various sectors the ‘films’ can focus on, the Chief Minister cited horticulture, games and sports, art and artefacts, fashion, etc in which people of the state have excelled and have potentials for more accomplishments.
He, however, emphasized on highlighting the ‘Creative Quotient’ (CQ) of the youths while informing that people of the state are highly creative and this quotient needs to be tapped and showcased so that opportunities can flow in for them.
When Kak informed that the episodes will also include reality shows, Khandu expressed confidence that entrepreneurs and achievers of the state would actively participate in all the categories proposed.
The reality shows, as told by Kak, would facilitate healthy competitions among entrepreneurs and achievers in different fields from across the North Eastern states. At the end of the show winners will be declared and prizes given.
The short films are expected to be aired on DDK National by mid-January next year every Sunday and will run through the year.
Subu Tabin, Director, Skill Development, also accompanied Kak.