Namsai arson case was actually a eviction drive by the “competent authority”- ANAYA
ANAYA president, stated that “Nothing is communal, everything is going according to the official process".

The competent authority has been taken action as per law against the illegal encroachers in the reserve forest of the Namsai district, it was actually a eviction drive by authority , not a arson case, stated All Namsai Area Youth Association (ANAYA) in a press conference held at Arunachal Press club here on Thursday.
In the press conference ANAYA president, Chow Kyawon Singkai stated that “Nothing is communal, but everything is going according to the official process.”
“Illegally encroached huts of the people in Madhuban, Tengapani Forest Reserve were put on fire as an eviction drive by the “competent authority” of the region”, stated Singkai.
It must be recalled that 14 houses were gutted down to ashes in Mabira Village on October 12 last.
Earlier the Adi Students Union (AdiSU) in their memorandum had submitted three names before the district administration. All those three persons were arrested and later, released on interim bail.
The court hearing of the said case is on November 8.