Mizoram Chakmas seek PM’s help for Chakmas and Hajongs of Arunachal Pradesh

KAMLANAGAR ( Mizoram )- The joint Chakmas NGOs comprising of All India Chakma Students’ Union (AICSU), Young Chakma Association (YCA), Mizoram Chakma Students’ Union (MCSU), Chakma Mahila Samiti (CMS) and the Chakma National Council of India (CNCI) today (16th January 2023) urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to come to the rescue of the Chakmas and Hajongs of Arunachal Pradesh. Thousands of Chakmas have held a peaceful protest rally at Kamalanagar, headquarters of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (CADC) in Lawngtlai district, Mizoram, and submitted memoranda to PM Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah demanding restoration of the Residential Proof Certificate (RPC) cancelled by the state government of Arunachal Pradesh last year.
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RPC is a domicile certificate issued by the Arunachal Pradesh government for the purpose of education and employment. The certificate has been withdrawn by the state government.
“We feel that great injustice has been committed against the Chakmas and Hajongs of Arunachal Pradesh. The withdrawal of RPCs is totally unacceptable and is a violation of human rights of the Chakmas and Hajongs and to destroy their future in Arunachal Pradesh. Government of India must intervene immediately” – stated Mr Shyamal Bikash Chakma, president of the All India Chakma Students Union (AICSU).
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AICSU is the apex students body of Chakma students of India and comprises of 10 student bodies across different states.
“We have expressed our strong solidarity with our brethren in Arunachal Pradesh and our support will continue till the end,” stated Dr. Jyoti Bikash Chakma, President of Central Young Chakma Association (CYCA).
Mrs Monika Chakma, president of Chakma Mahila Samiti (CMS) said the CMS is ready to coordinate with the Chakma women associations of other states for a larger movement for justice for Chakmas and Hajongs of Arunachal Pradesh.