Good News: Govt Employees, Students will get salaries, Stipends on Time

There is a Good news for Govt employees of Arunachal Pradesh, as well as for the students as they will get their salaries and Stipend on time.
Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Kalikho Pul has directed all the departments to release Salary, Wages of Casual Labours, Student’s Stipend, Pension & other Retirement Benefits. He has also instructed to release the salaries of Contingency staffs paid on Master Roll basis and Contractual Employees under Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Health Mission and other Centrally Sponsored Schemes on regular monthly basis from the month of April 2016.
Fund allocated as per the Budget Estimate 2016-17 has been communicated to all the departments and the directions were given to all the Treasury Officers and Sub-Treasury Officers to entertain all such bills submitted by respective departments.
It is pertinent to mention here that the Chief Minister, Kalikho Pul soon after assuming the highest office of the state has made an announcement to release the salary of contractual employees under SSA, NHM and student’s stipend on regular monthly basis.
It was subsequently approved by the first meeting of the State Cabinet on March 7 and passed in the state budget on March 23 last.
Students will get the stipend on an enhanced amount of Rs 900 for Class I to VIII, Rs 1100 for Class IX to XII and Rs 1400 per month for technical and non-technical students pursuing higher studies in addition to annual book grant enhanced by the govt recently.
Students pursuing courses on B Sc (Nursing), ANM, GNM and ITI & Craft Centre Trainees will also get regular monthly stipend of Rs 1400 per month.
Wage earners of the state govt will also get wages on enhanced rate of Rs 6000-9000 for unskilled and Rs 7000-9500 for skilled workers per month as per the years of their service. Also the contingency and casual employees serving in area-II shall continue to draw Rs 600 per month in addition to the above enhanced rate. In addition to it, the ASHA workers will also get regular monthly wages of Rs 3000 per month from the current financial year onward.