CM Announces Financial assistance to the fire victims of Payum Village

Chief Minister Kalikho Pul express deep shock and grief over the Payum Fire mishap in Siang district wherein 45 dwelling houses were completely devastated by fire in the intervening night of 26th and 27th March rendering many villagers homeless.
While sharing his sorrow and sympathy for the affected people, Chief Minister sanctioned an amount of Rs 45,85, 500/- as an immediate relief to the fire victims @ Rs 1,01,900 per house as per the permissible govt norms in the hilly areas.
He directed the Deputy Commissioner, Siang District to provide immediate relief materials to the affected people. He also gave direction to the Project Director, DRDA of the district to provide CGI Sheets to the affected families.
Taking note of the frequent fire mishaps in the state, Chief Minister suggested the people especially living in rural areas to maintain minimum distance between the houses and also to take extra precautions while handling with fire in order to avoid such misfortune. He also expressed his desires to visit the village after the weather condition improves.