Arunachal: World Heritage day celebrated in Longding
The villagers turned up in large numbers to witness the cultural show presented by the youth attired in colourful traditional dresses.

LONGDING- In order to encourage the youth to take pride in their rich culture and traditions, The Longding Battalion Assam Rifles celebrated World Heritage day and on this occasion organized a cultural event in Longkhao village on 18 Apr 22 in conjunction with the village authorities.
The villagers turned up in large numbers to witness the cultural show presented by the youth attired in colourful traditional dresses. The local cuisines prepared by the ecstatic womenfolk of the remote village contributed to the festive mood.
During the event, the Company Commander of Longding Battalion Assam Rifles delivered an encouraging speech, emphasizing the imp of preserving the indigenous cultural heritage and urged them to take pride in their unique culture.
The event culminated with felicitation of the performers by the Assam Rifles. The locals were overwhelmed by the sublime gesture of the Longding Battalion of Assam Rifles. The villagers expressed their gratitude and appreciated the noble gesture.
The World Heritage Day was first observed in 1983 by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). The aim of celebrating this day is to spread awareness about the cultural heritage and diversity on the planet.
The onset of globalization has weaned away the young Wanchos from their traditional culture over last two decades. However, recognition of unique identity of Wanchos by Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 2021 has infused a renewed sense of vigour among the tribesmen inhabiting Longding District.