Arunachal: Villagers of Radha village starts voluntary road renovation work

Radha Village
Before the onset of the monsoon season, the villagers of Kebang (Radha) village in Siang District have voluntary started renovation work of road stretch from NH-13 to their village on Sunday.
An excavator has been pressed into service to widen the road alignment, to fill the pot holes in various locations and construct proper drainage system.
A resident of Radha village Matpi Tabing told that presently the road is only viable for SUV and LMV, adding that it is not possible for the truck and dumper to ferry materials in the said stretch of road.
He also informed that the vehicular movement during the monsoon season is very low because of the rainfall the road condition become very worst.
It is worth mentioning that the expenditure for the road renovation was generated by the villagers through voluntary donation from the well wishers and by other means, informed Amur Darang, a senior citizen from Radha village.
The four km road stretch was constructed by RWD in the year 2009 and it was constructed even without an inch of carpeting with very narrow alignment and many sharp turnings.