
Itanagar: Parked car caught fire at Chandanagar

The vehicle could not be save as it was almost burned down.



A car parked on the roadside of National Highway 415 caught fire and burned down on intervening night on May 26-27 at Chandanagar. The vehicle could not be save as it was almost burned down.

Itanagar Fire Station Officer Incharge Takhe Horming inform that  the information of the incident was given over phone, it was around 1.30 AM and the team of fire fighters rushed to the spot at Chandanagar but find that huge ablaze was coming from a standing car. It could not be save as it was already late and almost the car was burned.

It may be a handy work of miscreants but could not say as the matter is under investigation and no body have so far claimed the ownership till evening. Horming added.

Itanagar SDPO Dekio Gumja while said that no complain have been reported so far. The vehicle Chevrolet Beat bearing registration NO- AS 01 AZ 2169 was burned down near Hyundai workshop at Chandanagar at wee hours today.

Investigation is being made. Gumja added.


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