Arunachal- Tato’s people crying for Power, Mobile phone network

Pasighat ( By Maksam Tayeng ) The people of Tato, district HQ of one of the newly created Shi-Yomi district, a small yet a beautiful town settled on a foothill of mountain surrounded with larger and lofty mountains all around is crying for government attention for its basic necessities like regular power supply, mobile-telephone networks and proper road connectivity etc.
While narrating about their ordeals, the people of Tato has alleged the state government of paying less attention to their areas which are void of regular power supply and mobile network connectivity etc despite Tato being declared as a District HQ of Shi-Yomi district during the year 2018.
As per Komi Rida, President, Adi Baane Kebang Shi-Yomi district, there is no proper hospital in District HQ, Tato including Monigong and Pidi circle. The centre of learning for students like Govt. Sec. School, Tato and Monigong are running without subject teachers and several other Govt. Upper Primary and Lower Primary Schools of Yapik, Pongte, Tagur, Tadogitu, Lipo, Pidi, Hirong, Rego, Pangri, Chengo and Hemi are said to be defunct.
Meanwhile, the All Arunachal Pradesh Workers’ Union Shi-Yomi district Unit has also alleged negligence and giving poor attention to Tato and other areas by local MLA of Mechuka, Pasang Dorjee Sona who happens to be the Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly.
Narrating their grievances before this scribe, AAPWU Shi-Yomi District President, Vijay Rinja said that Tato has no telecommunication connectivity despite a BSNL tower installed by the armed forces in their camp. “In a press release in the recent past, our local MLA Sona had earlier stated to have provided telecommunication connection to Tato, but that is false.
We are yet to get a regular power supply and all the HoDs need to come and stationed at Tato for proper fictionalization of the district, but they are not staying at Tato”, said AAPWU President.
While on his clarification, PD Sona had clarified that the installation of mobile tower telecommunication is not a state subject and is dealt by the centre for which he has also written an appeal to the concern union minister of Information Technology and Communications, Ravi Shankar Prasad for early installation of the mobile network tower on the ground of public welfare.
Regarding the regular power supply issue Sona said that the renovation has been done after the government took back the project from the private parties.
However, the new district of Shi-Yomi, being the border district with China needs the timely attention of the state and central government and the people of this hard location also deserves the equal share of development of the state and the country for being the citizen of this state and the country.
The road communication to Tato is very poor whose construction has just begun and it needs to be expedited on war footing for larger interest not only for the public, but also for strategic reasons.
The narrow old road from Siang district’s Kaying town to Tato, the district HQ of Shi-Yomi hardly gives passage for crossing two vehicles, especially of the Army trucks. The Indian Army and ITBP camps at Tato for the security of the country also faces the same problem as one of the Armed force officers who didn’t want his name to be quoted also narrated the same problem which will bear negative impact upon the Indian side in case a war breaks out with China.
Hence, New Delhi’s giving timely attention to these border areas, especially in the current situations like India-China almost coming near to war is need of the hour while matching the better infrastructures laid by Chinese side across the international border MC Mohan line where Chinese are said to be capable of reaching to India border at any given time due to their built up better infrastructures.