
Arunachal: Sarkar Aapke dwar held at Dutongkhar in Tawang

Electrical Department collected electricity revenue of around forty thousand from ninety five beneficiaries.

DUTONGKHAR-  The District Administration Tawang today conducted its seventh round of Sarkar Aapke dwar camp at circle headquarters Dutongkhar. The camp was inaugurated by Addl. DC Lungla Tashi Dhondup in Presence of EAC Cum DPO Tawang Choiki Dondup, CO Dutongkhar Nawang Thutan and other head of offices and officers from Tawang and Lungla. After inauguration of the camp Addl.DC Lungla took round of all the departmental stalls and asked all to follow covid SOPs strictly.

Education department Tawang provided CCTV set, computors and water filters for Namtsering Residential School, Computor sets and water filters for Kuntse upper primary school while Mathematies and science kits for Primary School Tsangkhar.

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Electrical Department collected electricity revenue of around forty thousand from ninety five beneficiaries. Horticulture deptt provided awareness in vermicompost,12 beneficiaries were registered under Hortnet and five applications recieved under Atma nirbhar bhagwani yojana.

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Agriculture deptt provided vegetable seeds on fifty percent subsidy and recieved application under atma nirbhar krishi yojana.The other departments also provided their services to the villagers of Bletteng, Loudung,Buri, Dongmareng,Tsangkhar, Dutongkhar,Namtsering and muktur etc under Dutongkhar circle.

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Addl DC Headquarters,Tawang Lobsang Tsering inspected the village sanitation and other developmental activities under Dutongkhar circle, he also visited the govt horticultural farm at Namtsering alongwith DHO Tawang S.Rahman and other officers.


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