Arunachal: Mission Ta:tang launches to make Borguli village an Ornithophilic village
In local Adi dialect Ta:tang means bird which is also generally called Pettang in the same Adi language.

PASIGHAT- ( By- Maksam Tayeng )- A mission called ‘Ta:tang’ was jointly launched by Mebo Administration, Clean Mission Borguli (CMB) and Ratan Welfare Society (RWS) Mebo block unit on Tuesday at Borguli village in East Siang to achieve cleanliness across all the villages. On this occasion village Gaon Burahs, PRI leaders, villagers and students with teaching staffs from GHSS Borguli led by its Principal were present.
The objective of the mission Ta:tang is to make the Borguli village an ornithophilic village under which effort will be made to plant several fruit bearing trees to attract birds and to protect those birds for tourist attraction. In local Adi dialect Ta:tang means bird which is also generally called Pettang in the same Adi language.
This mission Ta:tang has been chosen for Borguli village by the Mebo administration led by ADC, Sibo Passing and Clean Mission Borguli Chairman, Kaling Tayeng under which tagline the village will strive to protect and preserve birds by planting more bird feeds fruit bearing tree saplings.
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Speaking on the sideline of the mission launching, Er. Tadar Tarang, EE, Pasighat Municipal Council as Chief Guest lauded the mission team of Ta:tang and appealed the people of Borguli village to live upto the objective of the mission by protecting and preserving the birds which are rampantly getting killed everywhere.
He also took reference to an incident of over-hunting and its side-effects at his own Taba village in Kurung Kumey district. “This declaration of Borguli as Ornithophilic village under mission Ta:tang is perhaps the first in whole of Arunachal Pradesh which need to be maintained as aimed so that tourists could later enjoy the birds sightings while visiting D. Ering Wildlife Sanctuary located just besides the village”, added Tarang.
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While noted artist and awardee of Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar, Dr. Delong Padung gracing the mission launching as Guest of Honour also urged the people of Borguli to be proud for having declared their village as ornithophilic village under mission Ta;tang.
He suggested the villagers to be very dedicated in living upto the expectation of the mission and make the village a tourist destination one day soon where tourists will come to see birds.
Dr. Padung also presented a special Adi number from his all time hit song ‘Yoyi Bone’ on public demand. RWS Mebo block President, Upok Ratan also spoke on the occasion and gave his assurance on the part of RWS to support the mission Ta:tang of Borguli in every possible way.
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Meanwhile, ADC Mebo, Sibo Passing who is leading all the missions under Mebo Sub-Division with his active participation, said that the mission ornithophilic in Borguli village will boost the rural tourism potentiality of the village in days to come when birds’ population are revived and protected under mission Ta:tang.
He also took reference of other villages like Ayeng, Bodak, Aohali, Silluk, Mebo, Romdum, Kiyit, Ngopok etc where various missions have already been launched in order to achieve cleanliness and to beautify the village environment.
From Borguli village, Naning Perme, retired RFO, former ASM, Horinath Tayeng, Gaon Burah, Tokong Tayeng including Clean Mission Borguli Chairman, Kaling Tayeng also spoke on the occasion and also spoke to the media.
All of them praised the effort being taken under mission Ta;tang and showed their commitment to make Borguli village as an ornithophilic village in true sense while preserving the rich biodiversity of D. Ering Wildlife Sanctuary located just near the village. Village GB, Tokong Tayeng also suggested for more such awareness programmes to educate the public to join in such missions to preserve and protect natural heritage of forest and wildlife.