Accepting Union Minister for Sports Rajyavardhan Rathore and Union MoS Home Kiran Rijiju’s “Hum Fit To India fit” challenge, Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister, Pema Khandu has posted a video of him running along the state’s longest bridge, The Dibang Bridge while also taking in the scenic beauty of the route. The video Goes Viral in social media .
Text of Khandu’s Post
The fitness challenge #HumFitTohIndiaFit posted by Hon’ble Union Minister for Sports Shri Rajyavardhan Rathore Ji in the social media is an excellent initiative.
I am posting my #HumFitTohIndiaFit video challenge extended by Hon’ble Union MoS Home Shri Kiren Rijiju Ji and further extend #FitnessChallenge to former footballer & Hon’ble Manipur CM N.Biren Singh Ji, Badminton Association of India President Shri Himanta Biswa Sarma Ji and Bollywood actor Shri John Abraham Ji.
Also enjoy the scenic view of the Roing-Dambuk highway and Arunachal’s longest Dibang bridge (6.25km).
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