Hundreds of vehicle stranded for hours together early morning when few vehicle trapped in a landslide zone located at Kalamati on Papu-Yupia-Potin Transh Arunachal Highway today.
Yesterday hundreds of commuters who were trapped which include APCC President and former Member of Parliament Takam Sanjoy and team of Congress leader who were on their way to Kamle district to attend a public meeting at Raga.
Among other few local from Yazali/Yachuli and Kra Daadi district who have to attend the medical case at RK Mission hospital at Itanagar.
Several tried were made by locals and road commuters to get away from the blockage due to trapped Tata Sumo from the sliding zone but in vain and after a JCB from Potin was brought to clear the road.
The same condition continue every day now and then due to heavy downpour and incessant rainfall but how long the commuters have to suffer is a big question the commuters raised several question on the administration and highway department.
Local who prefer the said road said that it is the only lifeline and at the present but the condition of the said TAH is horrible and district administration and state government need to take care as the road condition is deplorable day by day and no maintenance is being taken place by the department concern