APPSCCE Steering Committee demand scrap and Re-conducts of AASCCE

Demanding the scraps and re-conducts the Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Combined Competitive Examination (APPSCCE) within three month the APPSCCE Steering Committee claim that there were lots of Error, Copy paste and irregularity activities has been done by Commission during the recent APPSC prelim examination.
Leading the APPSCCE- Steering Committee-2017 professor Nani Bath during a press conference at Arunachal Press club today claim that recent 26 November the Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Combined Competitive Examination (APPSCCE) had been lot of anomalies, lots mistakes and also suspected that the question paper had been leakages. And he also claim that the question paper had been photo copy (Xerox) which is illegal and out of norms.
The question paper of this year prelim examination had been copy pasted or copy write by stealing from the other website and others property by violating the property right. And this is sign of plagiarism and this is big illegal activity done by the State Public service commissioner, he added.
This is not first time in state this kinds of mistakes has been doing repeatedly by the Commission, but in this year commission has done question paper Xerox, which is big concerns for the People. In the top most examination like this, the question paper are to be printed out, it cannot be reproduce by Xerox or photo copy, as it can be leakages of question paper, Nani, claim.
Nani also claim that more 60 – 70 question of the questions had been copy pasted from that other question paper and other website illegally by violating the norms. He also claim that during examination Commission has also allow the two candidate in same bench and candidates are used also lots of mobile phone has been used in some of examination centre.
The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Combined Competitive Examination (APPSCCE) candidates, who had highlighted wrong copy past and other error of question the Students from Sociology, inform that around 60 percents of the question has been copy pasted from an article. All total 23 question has been mistake including misspelling, incorrect options and no answer in options. In General studies there were all total four numbers of question has been mistake including no answer in option, misspelling etc. he claim that question paper had been randomly set by the person or officers/paper setter.
The Student of Public Administration, claim that out of 125 questions, 106 questions had been copy pasted 55 question had copied from Pakistan website and 51 is from Delhi base examination website which is out of syllabus and totals of 48 question are found error including misspelling and wrong options.
Candidates of Veterinary Science, Animal Husbandry subjects he inform that out of 125 question, 60 questions had been from out of syllabus and 20 are found misspelling including wrong options.
In History paper 10 question had been found out of syllabus and 4 questions are wrong or misspelling said history student. In political science 21 questions are from out of syllabus.
Further, they said that they have already served ultimatum for 14 days but giving a deadline December 15 to fulfill their demand, the committee demand for scrap and fresh examinations held within three month, steps down of APPSC Chairman on moral ground, action against controller of Examination (COE), Constitution an enquiry committee headed by retired High Court judge or seating session judge.
And warned that if the demands are not meet on time committee will file FIR against erring officers and followed by democratic movement
This is unjust to the hard working students. Instead of scrapping the paper, just remove the questions which are wrong,. There is no need to conduct the prelims exam again.