Agriculture department of distributes Tata Dx Pick up truck

The department of Agriculture distributed Tata Dx Pick up truck to the beneficiaries from the districts as a transport support to unemployed youth for marketing of agriculture produce under CM’s agriculture employment generation programme. The main objective of the programme is directed towards upliftment of rural unemployed educated youth for a sustainable income generation through various Agriculture activities in the locality.
The minister of Agriculture, Wangki Lowang while appreciating the department on such innovative step said, in most of the rural areas the majority of the educated youth are unemployed and thereby most of them are seen staying unemployed or searching for contractual works or any other works which could at least bring them some income for livelihood.
But in certain negativity sense such type of works are not permanent and has the limitation to satisfy or engage everyone. Therefore, in the view of attracting the rural youth towards development of agriculture in rural areas and to bring sustainable income for the their livelihood, the government has taken initiative to introduce the Agriculture Generation Programme, especially for the rural educated unemployed youth. But, the Minister said, only by distributing vehicle to the beneficiaries will not help the unemployed educated youth unless they use it in innovative ways. As it is not possible for the government to absorb in government jobs they need to sustain themselves by being self-employed, the Minister added.
Lowang also advised the beneficiaries not to sell their produce only in local markets but to increase their horizon by selling their produce in the neighboring state and also in colonies. Further, the Minister advised the beneficiaries to take full advantage of the programme, be self-employed and contribute to the economy of the state to make the State self-sufficient. Earlier, Secretary Agriculture, Talom Tapok congratulating the beneficiaries advised them to work very hard to achieve their goals and to contribute to the State.
He said, as unemployment is increasing everyday, the government of Arunachal is taking every step to accommodate these unemployed educated youth to be self sufficient in other various private sectors, this programme of Agriculture department is a step taken to boost them, as everyone cannot be in the government jobs.
Minister of Agriculture Flag off the vehicles and handed over the keys to the beneficiaries.