Arunachal: APYC demands resignation from DCM

APYC demands resignation from Dy CM Chowna Mein and Panchyati Raj Minister Alo Libang.
The Arunachal Pradesh youth Congress(APYC) today demanded resignation of Deputy Chief Minister chowna Mein and Panchayati Raj Minister Alo libang by alleging their involvement in Trans Arunachal Highway (TAH) construction and not-conducting of Panchayati Raj Election in the State respectively.
Addressing the media person at Arunachal Press club APYC presidents Geli Ete alleged that the Dy CM Chowna Mein who is also the PWD Minister is responsible for delay in TAH from Potin to Pangin.
Demanding immediate resignation of the Panchayati Raj Minister Libang for incompetency in running the department and not-conducting of Panchayat Election in the State.
APYC spokesperson Kalley Rijuju said that the Panchayat Election was to be held on May 2018 but State Government has not declared the election citing mere excuses for its own benefits.
APYC had submitted a memorandum to the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh but had not intervened into the issue.
He also informed that Gauhati High Court has directed the panchayati Raj department and the State Govt for the conducting panchayat election by 30/11/2018 for holding of election.
But the State Government instead of holding Panchayat election has filed an Interlocutory application and seeking time of another Six Month the reason is the state is facing financial crises, he added