
Chowna Mein visits proposed site for establishment of SHRDI at Jollang


The Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein on Sunday visited the proposed site for establishment of infrastructures for State Horticulture Research and Development Institute ( SHRDI) at Jollang. While interacting with the officers, he emphasized on creation of quality infrastructures for the research institute and makes it an important facility for horticultural research activities.

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During the recent years, the DCM has lead several delegations of the officers of the department of Agriculture and Horticulture to international and national research organizations such as  International Rice Research Institute, Philiphines , Highland Research and Development Institute, Chiang Mai Thailand and others to expose the officers to scientific advancement in agricultural technology.

He opines that unless there is strong R&D  backup, the huge potential in horticulture cannot be actualize for wants of quality planting materials and matching technology. If horticulture sector is to be made a vibrant economic propeller in Arunachal Pradesh, R&D back up is indispensible and hence the SHRDI was created during his brief stint as Minister of Agriculture/Horticulture/ AH& Veterinary in year 2015.

He assured to give fund for the infrastructure development for the institute in phase manner starting from ensuing state budget and requested the Water Resource Department engineers to come up with a detail estimates and good architectural designs to establish a state of art facility in the State.

The Head of SHRDI  Egam Basar explain about the plan of work and inform the   DCM that in the first phase, requirement of infrastructures will include among others Administrative Block and two numbers of laboratories for production of planting materials and phyto-chemical analysis.

Engineers from WRD department and Scientists from SHRDI were also present during the visit.

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