Arunachal: Month long Toru Golden Jubilee Nyokum Yullo celebration ends today
Chowna Mein Dy CM, Nabam Rebia MP Rs, Nabam Tuki MLA, Sachin Rana DC papumpare , Members of CNC, and other dignitaries joined the the sacrificial Day of Golden Jubilee Nyokum Yullo Celebration, Toru 2023.

TORU- The Month long Toru Golden Jubilee Nyokum Yullo celebration ( Golden Jubilee Monolith ) ends today in the festival grounds. Chowna Mein, Deputy Chief Minister, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Nabam Rebia, MP Rajya Sabha, Nabam Tuki MLA 15th sagalee and former CM, Sachin Rana DC papumpare , Members of CNC, and other dignitaries joined the the sacrificial Day of Golden Jubilee Nyokum Yullo Celebration, Toru 2023.
Taba Rama Organising Chairman GJNYC Toru 2023 gave welcome address on the occasion, he briefed about the Mythology of Nyokum yullo and it’s significance. The festival has a close link with cultivation. The Nyokum goddess, the goddess of prosperity is invoked for her blessings so that there may be more and more production of food-grains in the next harvesting season, that the visit of famine may be warded off, and that drought or flood may not hamper cultivation, nor should any insect or animal destroy plants and crops. The Goddess is invoked so that the human race may be strengthened and regenerated. All should be free from unnatural death like accidents, war and epidemic.
It is also believed that there are numerous deities and spirits on Earth. These are the deities and spirits of mountains, rivers, forest, animals, crops, household, etc. Some of the spirits are benevolent while some are malevolent. It is believed in Nyishi Tribe that human being can live a life of peace and prosperity on this earth only when a perfect harmony is maintained between man, God and nature. They also believe that prosperity and happiness can come to a man when God and nature are pleased.
Arunachal: Traditional exhibition inaugurated at Toru Golden Jubilee Nyokum Yullo celebration 2023
Misery, hardship and natural calamities like famine, flood, drought, earthquake, epidemic, warfare, accidental death and such unwanted incidents occur due to the displeasure and wrath of the God and Goddess of nature. It is, therefore, the Nyishi worship to propitiate the benevolent Gods and Goddesses for protection and prosperity and to ward off the malevolent spirits from disturbing the peace and tranquility in their life. Nyokum Yullow is one of such propitiation.
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Nabam Tuki spoke on the occasion about the importance of the Nyokum celebrations in Nyishi community. He also added about the fertility of soils in Sagalee area for the good productivity of horticulture and agriculture to boost economic growth of rural areas.
Nabam Rebia in his speech said that nowadays we are losing our culture and practice day by day. Youths of today’s generation are being influenced from western culture leading to diminishing yields of culture and heritage. We should preserve and promote our culture and traditions for future generation he added.
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Chowna Mein in his speech appreciated all the organisers for outstanding efforts to preserve and promote the culture and practices of Nyishi community. He said that he is delighted to witness the traditional systems of hunting that was exhibited as demonstrations and the exhibitions of traditional artifacts. He further expressed that is refreshing to see both old and young Nyishi brothers & sisters actively taking part in the preservation & promotion of their rich cultural heritage through the festival and thanked the people of Toru circle for their love and hospitality.
Mrs Nabam Aka while giving away vote of thanks she thanks to all the heard workers, committee, sponsors, coordinators of various circles and media fraternities for their support in making this grand celebration a success.