108 Mrityunjoy Emergency Service Saves 1,28,150 lives Till Now

Since November 2008, 108 Mrityunjoy Emergency Service has handled over 2 million calls and served over 26,28,014 emergencies saving 1,28,150 lives in the entire state of Assam. This was informed by its spokes person.
GVK Emergency Management and Research Institute have been operating the 108 Mrityunjoy Emergency service in Assam with 380 Surface Ambulances and 5 Boat Ambulances covering all districts of the State. this was informed by GVK spokes person.
Medical emergency cases account for 99% of the total emergencies. 1% cases being of police and fire. Out of the total Medical emergencies, Maternal complications have been the highest emergencies which account to 10,20,374 of the total emergencies followed by Injuries ( road accidents ) which is 2,68,465, Acute abdomen is 4,38,615, Suicide attempts, cardiac account for 38,328, 1,05,639 each respectively and respiratory problems accounts 82,548 of the total emergencies . Deliveries assisted till 31st July’16 is 28,745.
Beside this ‘Adarani’ Drop Back Service have been continuing in the State since 30th January 2012 which has served 8,92,808 beneficiaries till 31st July 2016. It is a service in which mother and the neonate would get drop back facility to their home after availing post-delivery hospital care from Govt. Hospitals. Adarani Vehicle will be used to drop back of All deliveries from major PHC and above are covered in this project.
The salient features of the project are
- Adarani is a free service.
- Adarani service is available for 365 days.
- Adarani service is available from 8.00am to 6.00pm.
- Adarani service can be availed only after getting proper discharge documents from hospital authority.
- Adarani vehicle will carry only 1 attendant along with mother & neonate.
- Adarani vehicle can transport more than 1 case in a single trip provided they fall in the same route.
- Total 235 vehicles are placed till now in major Govt. Hospitals across all districts.
- To avail Adarani service a beneficiary can call 108.
102 National Ambulance Service (NAS) is first of its kind in the country to serve IFT (Inter Facility Transfer). The service is for referred patient from a lower hospital to higher hospital. NAS in its 3 Years journey has got a fleet strength of 316 Ambulances out of total scope of 450 Ambulances and covered all the Districts of the state. It had attended to 3,37,861 IFT cases till 31stJuly’16.
GVK EMRI (Emergency Management and Research Institute) is a pioneer in Emergency Management Services in India. As a not – for – profit professional organization operating in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode, GVK EMRI is the largest professional Emergency Service Provider in India today.
GVK EMRI is currently operational in 15 States and 2 Union Territories i.e. Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Assam, Meghalaya, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kerala and 2 Union Territories, Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu.
It has commenced Emergency Response Services in Sri Lanka as well.