
Arunachal: Students, former faculty slams more allegation against APU authorities, demands CBI inquiry

PASIGHAT  ( By- Maksam Tayeng )-  After a press statement was issued from the Registrar of Apex Professional University of dated 19th November stating the University has adequate teachers, infrastructures and other facilities as prescribed in the norms and standards of UGC, NCTE, BCI and PCI and also alleging Dr. Anil Kumar Dubey of misleading the students, the students community has hit back and alleged APU of covering up their shortcomings.

The students have accused the Registrar, Apex Professional University (APU) of issuing a false statement in the press release as the University has never had adequate teachers and infrastructures as claimed by the Registrar. In a press briefing on Sunday the students have re-insisted that the university management is doing all out effort to cover-up their shortcomings and wrong doings of irrelevant fee collection, non availability of adequate teachers and infrastructures against the very norms of NCTE, PCB and PCI etc.


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Tabi Gao, General Secretary, Adi Mising Students’ Union who have approached Chief Secretary and Secretary, Education by submitting petitions have reiterated that the gross cheating and fraudulent activities are adopted by APU management for which the students have demanded for a CBI or like investigation against the APU to unearth the truth so that the poor students of Arunachal Pradesh and neighboring Assam are not looted in the name of education and degree in future.

Other girl students also spoke to the media over the mismanagement of APU authorities and poor education system wherein marks are bought by money/fees. While providing a clip of a voice recording of one Lani Das, the Personal Secretary and legal adviser of Dhanwant Singh, Founder Chancellor of APU, the students have also alleged that she (Lani Das) has attempted to put pressure on Dr. Anil Kumar Dubey to withdraw the complaint mailed to the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh.

When contacted, Dr. Anil Kumar Dubey who is currently at his home state, Uttar Pradesh confirmed the attempt made by Lani Das and new Vice Chancellor, Dr. Mridul Hazarika. Dr. Dubey said that Das called him on the day before Arunachal Pradesh Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Commission inquiry team arrived at APU on 16th November last and urged him to withdraw the complaint.

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“Both Lani Das and Dr. Hazarika met me at Dangaria Baba Mandir, Raneghat area and urged me to withdraw the complaint. When I refused they told me that Sardar (Chancellor) will not spare me and false police charge cases will be lodged against me. However, I didn’t succumb to their pressure and request as I care for students’ welfare because I have closely witnessed students being looted by APU management in the name of Convocation fees and others”, added Dr. Dubey appealed for justice for him and students.

Dr. Dubey also informed that his salaries of 2-3 months were held up and not paid by APU management citing absenteeism, whereas he had shared his reason for absent by sending mail and medical reports and photos of admission in medical right from hospital bed of Babu Ishwar Saran District Hospital, Gonda, Uttar Pradesh. For his refusal to the request of Das and the Vice-Chancellor, some false police complaints were also lodged against Dr. Dubey at Pasighat Police Station. But Dr. Dubey clarified that all those allegations were leveled against him by Lani Das and Registrar, Vijay Kumar Tilak just to taunt and haunt him as the same action was already warned by Lani Das beforehand. Teaching and non-teaching staff of APU are marked absent and salaries are cut or deducted if any of the employees reach university 5-10 minutes late which is also an exploitation and unjust with the employees of the university, informed Dr. Dubey.

 “I was asked to collect Rs. 5000 each from the B.Ed. pass out students for convocation fees, but I objected as students have approached me and some cried saying they have already paid enough and poor students are not able to pay. And as per my calculation nearly 200 B.Ed. students have already paid more than Rs. 2,00,000 (Two lakhs) each which totals around Rs. 40,000,000 (four crores) and APU management ought to pay the convocation fees out of those fees as even 5% of total fee collection are not spent on teaching faculty hiring/salary. My salaries were held up just because I didn’t comply with them for fee collection from students”, added Dr. Dubey sadly.

Read this also-  Apex Professional University observes it’s 4th Convocation

 However, Dr. Dubey hopes that the APU will rectify their mistake and work for welfare of students also after the inquiries are conducted against the university as this situation will let them for self introspection. “I care about the students so I didn’t withdraw the complaint as it would be a kind of injustice with the students of APU for whose welfare I had objected to the irrelevant fee collection direction of APU management after which my salaries were also held up. Once when I questioned and suggested the Chancellor for rectification in wrong policy and mismanagement of APU, I was warned to be silent by Chancellor while stating that he can easily manage at all level (officials and MLAs/Ministers) even if I happen to complaint anywhere”, revealed further Dr. Dubey.

 It is noteworthy to add here that, a non faculty of APU, wife of APU Registrar who is recently engaged as faculty in Daying Ering B.Ed. college, Pasighat was also made to sit as faculty among the faculties of B.Ed. department when official from APPEIRC inquiry checked the number of B.Ed. faculties. However, the cheating was exposed and identified by students when her face musk was removed, informing the students. While Dr. Dubey also informed that Vijay Kumar Tilak, Registrar of APU is also engaged as an Asst. Prof. of D. Pharma which is against the norms as Tilak does not have requisite qualification.

 Students and Dr. Dubey have alleged many such mismanagement allegations against the APU management which is a matter of serious concern now and need thorough investigation by a rightful competent authority.


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