Arunachal- RMSA teachers stages dharna demanding release of salary

Demanding immediate release of pending salary, the teachers working under the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan(RMSA) Teachers Association staged a peaceful Dharna all over state.
In Yupia they staged dharna in front of DDSE office and demanded the releas of pending salary as well as monthly payments to RMSA teacher. This was informed by Central Executive Committee, Arunachal Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan Teachers’ Association (CEC ARMSATA) President Taba Billow during Dharna at Yupia .
Billow said that teachers working under RMSA are being repeatedly deprived by the government in disbursing monthly salary. “We are yet to get our salary since last April (2017). How can we work without salaries in far-flung areas”, and we can not imagine to works with empty stomach and also cannot provide quality education to our student with empty stomach. so he requested the State government to threat RMSA teacher as a government employee not as a bonded labour or in slave labour. If government treated like this than what would be our life and surviving.
Claiming that they have repeatedly submitted representations and requested to the Director of School Education, to release our salary monthly basis but till date but without any results, but the state government paying us only one time in a year. Which is very difficult in our life especially for those who are serving in interior area. he said that the Education and Finance departments are passing the buck on their monthly salaries.
Billow, also inform that the government has enhanced RMSA teachers salary from Rs 15,000 to Rs 26,000 in principal, but yet to be received by us .
Reportedly, there is around 400 RMSA teachers are manning various government schools across the state.
Further Billow also inform that responding the demands of three Teachers organisation of State, the state government has constituted a committee on 2016, which was lead by the present Secretary School Education Bidol Tayeng, that committee reported that the state government has issued a order dated on 30 April 2016 by which the Staff of under CCS program like NHRM and SSA will get their salary regularly every month from the state plan. As and when the actual fund is received from Government of India adjustment are made and state govt. recover the amount from central release. however this provision has not been made applied in respects of RMSA.
And the committee recommend that the department of finance may modify the order and include RMSA to enable director of school education to disburses the salaries of RMSA teacher every month because RMSA is also comes under the CCS program , but which is yet to do by the concern department.
As per report the SSA and NRHM employee are getting their salaries without pending but our salaries are pending billow added.