Arunachal: Photo saying the Pathetic condition of school, Education Department should be ashamed

Two photographs of Nakar girls residential school, telling the story of the weak education department of state.
These two photographs are saying the pathetic condition of Nakar Govt girls residential school, of Mengio circle running under tin’s roof and Bamboo walls. The school is also facing acute shortage of subject teachers which is hampering the school curriculum, informed the All Mengio Students Union (AMSU).
AMSU submitted memorandum to the Papum Pare deputy Commissioner Dr. Joram Beda demanding immediate posting of teachers and maintenance of the school.
Non posting of Hindi and Mathematics teacher hampering the teaching and learning process of the school the union said.
At prsent the school is of OBT, the headmaster and class room as well as the Hostel are of OB Type which is in bad shape .
AMSU President Taba Taha while talking said that the improvement of education infrastructure is the need of the hour and appeal the education department to look and take care of the schools situated far flung area of Mengio circle of the district.