Arunachal: Foundation stone of NFR camp office laid in Tawang
The proposed railway tunnel crossing Dzela pass will be 27 kilometres one of the longest tunnel in the country.

In a historic development today, General Manager(Construction) Northeast Frontier Railways NK Prasad in presence of Choiki Dondup, EAC(LM&Jud) Tawang, MS Chauhan, Chief Administrative Officer(Construction), SP Singh, Chief Engineer(Construction) NF Railways and executive members of Shartso committee(Land owners) laid the foundation stone of North east frontier railways camp office cum rest house at Tawang.
We are very soon going to connect Tawang with railways, the railway line from Bhalukpong to Tawang will be 198 kilometres, out of which 177 kilometres will be under tunnels with very little disturbance to the ecology.
The proposed railway tunnel crossing Dzela pass will be 27 kilometres one of the longest tunnel in the country. Whereas the road distance from Tawang to Bhalukpong is around 300 kilometres informed senior Indian Railway officers.
Choiki Dondup, EAC(LM&Jud) Tawang, said it was a distant dream for us to have Tawang connected with railways, but now the dreams are going to be achieved in reality. He congratulated the Senior Indian railways officers .
He also expressed his gratitude to the land owners of Shartso Committee for leasing out the land, initially for a period of three years for the purpose of Camp office cum rest house which can extended or acquired if needed In future.