Arunachal: Decomposed male body found in Yazali

Unidentified decomposed male dead body found near agriculture farm at Yazali in Lower Subansiri district, Police Investigating the case.
A male body, aged about 50 years as appeared, height about 5 feet. wearing t shirt with white blue red strip and grey long pant was found today.
According to Inya Ete, OC Yazali PS t, the body is fully decomposed and beyond identification. Both the foot and hand from the body was missing, the lower jaw also missing.
The body was found near agriculture farm at yazali in Lower Subansiri district today morning.
A case vide Yazali PS case No. 3/18 U/S 174 Cr. PC has been registered and investigation is on.
WT message have been forwarded to all police station of the district and nearby district.
He further appeal one and all to help police in identifying the body. Ete added.
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