Arunachal: DC launched Potential Linked Credit Plan (PLP) 2021-22 prepared by NABARD

CHANGLANG: The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has launched the Potential Linked Credit Plan (PLP) 2021-22 for Changlang district. It was unveiled by Dr. Devansh Yadav, Deputy Commissioner in Special Sub-Committee (SSC) meeting for Credit Deposit (CD) Ratio maintained by Banks.
Kamal Roy, DDM NABARD informed that the total credit potential under the priority sector has been estimated at Rs 2487.34 lakh for the financial year 2021-22 of which Agriculture Sector accounts for Rs 2164.65 lakh. PLP is a comprehensive documentation of potentials in the district for rural economic activities, both in physical and financial terms. It is also an assessment of the gaps in infrastructure support, which need to be filled in to fully exploit the realizable potentials.
The objectives of PLP are to enable the various organizations involved in the process of rural development in directing their efforts in a planned manner, in accordance with the potentials available for exploitation. To enable optimum utilization of scarce financial resources (specifically bank credit) by channeling the same into sectors with growth potential. Also to assess the gaps in infrastructure support which need to be taken care for exploiting the potentials and prioritize resource requirement for the purpose.
The SSC meeting was convened by Lead Bank at Changlang on 22.03.2021. It was attended by Lead District Manager, DDM NABARD, DPD NERCORMP, Branch Managers of Banks along with line departments.
Shri Tankeswar Doley, Chief Manager Lead Bank shared the status of CD ratio in the district which is 20.25% at present, quarter ended December 2020. He informed that RBI has advised to formed SSC where CDR is less than 40% in order to monitor CDR and to draw up Monitorable Action Plan (MAPs) to increase the CDR.
The progress under SHG credit linkage with the banks in the district also reviewed. LDM informed that the performance is not satisfactory and that the recovery position of the district was also not up to the mark.
Shri Kamal Roy, District Development Manager, NABARD requested all the bank branches to conduct Financial Literacy Camps in villages in their operation area.
Expressing concern over the low CD Ratio in the district, Dr. Devansh Yadav, IAS, Deputy Commissioner advised District Agriculture Officer to mobilize KCC who are en under enrolled under PM Kishan Scheme with reference number.
He set target of 2000 KCC to be sanctioned before April 2021. He asked LDM to coordinate with their controlling office for DDUSY scheme which is not picking up in the district. He also advised NERCORMP to get the “A” graded SHGs to be credit linked with the banks. He asked BMs to achieve the targets as per Annual Credit Plan 2020-21 and worried about shortage of manpower in bank branches in the district.
Shri Tankeswar Doley, LDM extended vote of thanks to all participants.