Arunachal: APSLSA organises Legal Awareness-cum- Marriage Registration for the Marriage Officers

Yupia- Arunachal Pradesh State Legal Services Authority ( APSLSA) organized one day Legal Awareness-cum- Marriage Registration for the Marriage Officers and staffs at Yupia today.
Chairing the programme Deputy Commissioner Pige Ligu lauded APLSLSA for such initiative and said admin officers really need such kind of legal awareness orientation programme to keep themselves updated on latest legal developments.
He also emphasized that Marriage recording data should be maintained properly by the department of Economics and Statistics and same should be reflected in District Handbooks also.
Resource Person Adv. Raknu Koniya, Learned LAC, APSLSA, Itanagar gave presentation on Arunachal Pradesh Marriage Recording Act 2008 and Arunachal Pradesh Victim Compensation Scheme 2011. She briefed the house in detail about APMR Act 2008 and its implications, APVCS 2011 legal and compensation benefits.
Sharing her experiences of working under APSLSA she said that ‘APSLSA is conducting legal awareness on such issue across the state but still knowledge on Marriage registration and its benefits are lacking in our tribal societies and hence we need to create more awareness and deliberations on benefits of Marriage registration for all stakeholders in the society’.
Admin officers of headquarter and outposts( EACs, COs) and AD( Economics and Statistics),Yupia attended the programme.