Contracts and supply works are temporary, Agriculture & allied activities can give one a sustainable source of income-Chowna Mein
Deputy Chief Minister, Chowna Mein handed over Cheques of Rs 7000/- each to the beneficiaries of NADAP Compost Pit Schemes at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Namsai during an inaugural programme of Stakeholders Capacity Development Programme on Organic Production Technology on Seeds Spices for NEH Region. It was informed that 500 farmers are benefitting from the Compost Pit Schemes. The programme was jointly organized by the ICAR – National Research Centre on Seeds & Spices, Ajmer, Rajasthan and KVK, Namsai District in collaboration with the ICAR – Research Centre for NEH Region, AP Centre, Basar.
In his inaugural speech, Mein lauded the Scientists of KVK Namsai for the initiatives and urged them to make Namsai KVK a model KVK. He said that KVK should be made as Centres of demonstration and also for the source of inspirations for the farmers besides its routine research works.
He further said that efforts are on to draw help from ICAR, North East Institute of Science & Technology and also from the Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat to strengthen the Research & Development Wing of the State while citing that the agriculture and allied activities is the only way to achieve sustainable development of the State. He said that contracts and supply works are temporary but the agriculture & allied activities can give one a sustainable source of income.
While assuring his commitment to support strengthening of Research & Development Wing, he said to provide fund for construction of security fencing, water and electricity supply to the KVK Centres in Anjaw, Namsai and Longding Districts under SADA 2018, which he said will be released within 3 months. He also said to provide fund for development of a demonstration unit at KVK, Namsai.
He also stated to give full support to the Farmer Producer’s Company of the District which is the first registered FPC in the State. He advocated to provide one part of fund under SIDF in the coming year for the Farmer Producer’s Company for the welfare and economic improvement of the farmer.
He also lauded the visionary Land Doner and all those who initiated the establishment of KVK in the District, whose benefits, farmer’s are reaping today.
Chongkham MLA, C T Mein called upon the farmers to change the way they think and do farming. He urged them to adopt high technology farming and shift to cash crops from the traditional crops. He further said that it is time to find ways and adopt self-employment activities.
Namsai MLA, Chau Zingnu Namchoom also called upon the farmers to shift from traditional to more scientific and mechanized farming. He said to adopt cultivation of seed spices in place of poppy cultivation, which will give immediate income as these are of short duration crops.
He further informed that he will be taking up fish ponds from the MLA LAD fund from the next year which would help to increase their income. He also informed that under Non-BADP Fund, he will be funding the progressive farmers and SHGs for Piggery Farm which would help to increase their economy.
DC Namsai, Dr Tapasya Raghav called upon the educated youths to take up mechanized farming and said that establishment of processing industries is the way forward for sustainable development. She informed that the process of organic farming has started and once the certification for organic farming is done, farmers will get double price of their produces.
Dr Gopal Lal, Director, ICAR-NRC on Seeds Spices, Ajmer (Rajasthan) enlighten on Seed Spices for diversified agriculture to enhance farmer’s income while Dr M Kanwat, Senior Scientist cum Head, KVK Namsai highlighted the activities of KVK.
Among others, SP Ankit Kumar Singh, HoDs, Scientists from KVK & ICAR, Members of FPC and Farmers attended the programme.