Adhaar Registration of all the students’ compulsory

Adhaar Registration of all the students’ compulsory. It was decided in a meeting convened by Dy CM Chowna Mein. The main agenda of the meeting was to streamline process of the disbursement of student’s stipends in his office today.
In the meeting, it was decided to form a Stipend Policy, to made Adhaar Registration of all the students’ compulsory, to examine all the Govt of India Schemes & Stipends that provides higher rates to tribal students and to propose strategies to be converged.
Chairing over the meeting, Dy CM said that it has become pertinent to streamline the disbursement of stipend to check draining out of govt resources. He informed that the step is being taken in line with the streamlining of wages of the labourers that was done during the time of former Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu to link the payment of wages with Photo Identity.
A committee of secretaries was constituted under the chairmanship of Commissioner of Education to formulate the Stipend Policy at the earliest.
Deputy Chief Minister asked to form the new Stipend Policy within the current financial year so that it can be implemented from the next session.
Joram Beda, Secretary (Planning) made a presentation on department-wise details of Stipend Holders, Requirements of Fund and Budgetary Allocations. He also highlighted about the Govt of India Stipend/Scholarship Schemes through power point.
Among others present in the meeting were Minister of Education and Libraries, Honchun Ngandam, Parliamentary Secretary of Education, Bamang Felix, Parliamentary Secretary of Planning, Chow Zingnu Namchoom, Commissioner (Textile), Marnya Ete, Secretary (Education), Bidol Tayeng and Directors of School Education, Higher Education, Health, Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, Fisheries, Textile & Handicraft, Social Justice Empowerment & Tribal Affairs and Skill Development.