
JCC opposed cabinet decision of cancellation JE Civil of RWD Exam



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The Join Core Committee (JCC) and the Arunachal Pradesh Diploma Unemployed Engineers’ Association (APDUEA), Arunachal Unemployed Civil Engineers’ Co-ordination (AUCEC) and All Arunachal Pradesh unemployed Engineers’ Association (AAPUEA) has jointly opposing the cabinet decision of cancellation of JE Civil of RWD examination.

Addressing media person here at Arunachal press club today Goda Dinung ,vice chairman JCC  said that just before three days left of exam schedule is deniable which is retrospective the notification given after advertisement instead of Prospective.

Opposing  the Cabinet decision of the JE RWD Exam Cancellation is and decision  examination through APPSC, JCC submitted a memorandum to Home Minister, Chief Minister and governor of Arunachal Pradesh saying that the ways of Cancellation JE RWD is not appropriate as the aforesaid posts was already advertised on 22″ February 2017 vide Advertisement. whereas the Notification was notified on 4th July 2017 entrusted the APPSC to conduct all Group-B (Non Gazetted) Posts. But yet get responds from government he added.

We have submitted CMO & Cabinets Affairs Department to seeking what exactly contents in cabinets decision taken on 7th February 2017.

While looking for that the matter is twisted, none of them are ready to furnish. as AR Department is only having notification of Gazette/Approval, not the cabinets decision sheet, but still pending to furnish our asked documents That’s whys the documents of Cabinets decision copy which was taken on 7th February 2017 is kept secret and was not widely circulated to any department.

Association also blamed, that all these condition, his intention was only to harass the Aspirants of unemployed engineers of the entire state just to gained his Political mileage and The Cancellation of JE Exam RWD was effect of immediate note served from Chief Minister.

The Association also claim that APPSC is not clean department, and Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission is a Single recruited agency other than Department. Because of single recruited agency, APPSC couldn’t conduct the exam on timely although numerous of advertisements were given but couldn’t held the exam in time stipulated. The APPSC still 15 Numbers of Advertisement are being pending to conduct the exam, which Pending started from 10th February 2016.

For the welfare & remedial measure of unemployed youths Population, state need to constitute at least one more recruitment agency like State Staff’ election Commission to hold Group- B

Further JCC want to answer from state government within 7 days, if failed to answer within stipulated time then the JCC will taken step forward in any form of democratic movement.


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