Itanagar: APSBSAP district level consultation held
The consultations were organized by WWF-India and the State Biodiversity Board of Arunachal Pradesh.

ITANAGAR- The district level consultations for preparing the Arunachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Capital Complex region was held today, which was a part of a series of district level consultations which kick started at Ziro, Lower Subansiri district on 10 March 2023. The consultations were organized by WWF-India and the State Biodiversity Board of Arunachal Pradesh.
Capital Complex Deputy Commissioner Talo Potom and APSB Chairman Tayek Goi were present in the meeting, while State Biodiversity Board research officer Dr Bamin Yakang, technical assistant Dusu Rila, and Ranju Dodum from WWF-India were part of the team that organised the consultation.
Diverse stakeholders like ZPMs, GPMs, gaon buras, officers of line departments, forest department staff, women’s group members, youth group members and NGOs participated in the consultation and provided their valuable inputs.
The workshop highlighted the need for conserving nature through establishing Community Conserved Areas, protecting river stretches and catchment areas, building and promoting eco-tourism avenues, putting effective regulations on earth cutting for infrastructure development, Hornbill protection, promoting beekeeping, compensatory afforestation, and providing waste and plastic management solutions.