
Itanagar- Indira Gandhi Park to get a facelift


The department of state Environment and Forests, under the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management & Planning Authority (CAMPA), has chalked out a detailed proposal for landscaping and beautification of the Park with all basic amenities.

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Itanagar- Indira Gandhi Park to get a faceliftThis was informed during the 4th Governing Body meeting of state CAMPA, which was chaired by Chief Minister Pema Khandu here this morning.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein, Environment & Forests Parliamentary Secretary C T Mein, the Chief Secretary, Principal Secretary & PCCF, PCCF (Wildlife), Commissioner Finance, Secretary Planning and departmental officials.

As per the proposal, funds to the tune of Rs 6 crore from CAMPA has been earmarked for upgradation of the Park that will have separate paths for joggers and walkers. A children’s park, fountains, sitting benches and modern footbridges are also parts of the plan. Besides landscaping, seasonal flower beds, toilets, dustbins and solar lightings will be installed all around the park.

The Chief Minister advised that beauty, sanctity and quality should not be compromised as the Park is the only recreational area available to the citizens of the state capital.

On the suggestions of the Chief Secretary, the department has also placed funds for avenue plantations along the 4-lane highway leading to the state capital. To begin with, avenue plantations would be made along the now complete highway from Hollongi to Chimpu.

Further, the state civil secretariat will also be given a new look with avenue plantations within its periphery.

Meanwhile, the Chief Minister expressed concern over the fact that the state CAMPA Governing Body meeting was being held after a gap of almost three years, whereas it should be held at least once a year to plan its Annual Plan of Operation (APO).

He advised the department to become pro-active so that funds granted under CAMPA by the Central Government is judiciously utilized for the benefit of the state and its forest cover.

While reviewing the status of sanctuaries in the state. The Chief Minister was informed that while the Pakke Tiger Reserve in East Kameng was well protected and secure, the Namdapha Tiger Reserve and Wildlife Sanctuary in Changlang district was facing several challenges due to encroachment, large area, inaccessibility and international border.

It was advised and agreed upon that local residents in buffer zones and fringe areas be made partners by providing them with opportunities to take up economically viable projects. It was also decided that the district administration and local panchayat bodies be involved in creating awareness as well as protection and preservation of these sanctuaries.

The Chief Minister also suggested that in its afforestation programme the department should opt for commercial trees and plants that can be recycled after a period of time so that revenue is generated for the government as well as local residents.

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