Goods train services starts, Passenger trains to start from 3rd September

The NF Railway started Goods train services which was disrupted due to damage of tracks in recent flood. However Passenger train to be start from 3rd September, said a press release issued by NF Railway on Tuesday.
The flood damaged portion of track on the UP line along with bridge no 133 between Sudhani and Telta station has been certified fit by the Engineering department of N.F.Railway at 13-25 p.m. today. The first goods train which left Sudhani station at 13-50 p.m. to arrive Telta at 14-25 p.m. passed over that section safely. The portion has been certified fit upto a maximum speed of Stop dead 10 KMPH.
The portion of repaired track will be kept under very close observation under the passage of goods trains and movements of passenger trains will be commenced from 3rd September. With the movements of goods trains, the flow of incoming essential commodities to the Northeast area will be restored. The speed restriction will continue and all trains in the effected section will ply at restricted speed till such time that permanent repairs are carried out. It is to be mentioned that very extensive damage has been caused in the vicinity of bridge no 133 with scouring to a depth of 12 to 15 meter and extent of 70 meter in the approach of the bridge.
It may be mentioned here that train services over parts of Bihar and West Bengal under Katihar and Alipurduar Divisions of N.F. Railway had to be suspended due large scale damage of track in many locations. Thereby disrupting direct train communication of NE Region with rest of the country.
- Estimated commercial loss from 13th to 28th August, 2017:
- Nos of Mail/Express trains cancelled : 821 nos
- Nos of passenger trains cancelled : 484 nos
- Total loss in PRS : Rs. 47.53 crs
- Total loss in Non-PRS : Rs. 5.30 crs
- Ticket checking segment : Rs. 1.44 crs
- Passenger reduced (PRS) : Rs. 4,02,653 nos
- Passenger reduced (Non-PRS) : Rs. 11,27,277 nos
- Loss from Goods booking : Rs. 16.26 crs
- Loss from Parcel booking : Rs. 3.51 crs.
Total Commercial loss amounts to Rs. 74.04 crs. This is apart from the amount which has been refunded to passenger. The losses to other departments like Engineering, Signal & Telecommunication etc. are being assessed.
Thousands of labours along with railway officials worked round the clock at all damaged sites to restore the train services during this period.