Assam: PM advisor Deepak Vohra visits RGU

“Am I God? No, I’m an Indian and that’s the next best thing!”- Deepak Vohra, Special Advisor to Prime Minister , at Royal Global University.
Deepak Vohra, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister – Lesotho & Guinea Bissan and Special Advisor, Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Councils – Leh & Kargil, visited Royal Global University to deliver a talk on ‘Global Megatrends’ and interact with the students of the university. A. K. Pansari, Chancellor RGU and Prof. Dr. S. P. Singh, Vice Chancellor RGU also graced the event with their presence.
He referred to himself as an ‘Observe-analyst’ speaking on four major Global Megatrends – Economic power shifting from the West to the East, changes in military equations, aging of the West and exploding knowledge in the East. He also emphasized on the ‘Youthification’ of India and made students take pride for being born in this age of ‘Sangam of Youth and Technology’. “It is the best time to be an educated young person in India” he added.
Deepak Vohra further interacted with students and answered all their questions. He further told the students that if we are divided, we can go fast but if we are united, we can go far. He told the audience about the lines that he would want engraved on his tombstone after his death,
“ Scattered in the dust
Silent I remain
When India’s bugle calls
I will Rise Again.”
Deepak Vohra concluded his speech with these lines “We are not Indians because we were born in India or because we live in India, We are Indians because India lives within us”.