Arunachal: Workshop on SANKALP held at Namsai
The objective of workshop & Skill Mela was to create awareness among youth regarding various ongoing skill schemes being implemented by Government of Arunachal Pradesh.

NAMSAI- The Department of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of Arunachal Pradesh organized a Workshop in collaboration with District Administration & Arunachal University of Studies, Namsai on SANKALP (Skill Acquisition and Knowledge awareness for Livelihood Promotion) followed by Annual Skill Mela – cum – Sensitization & Awareness Rally 2022-23 on 13th February 2023 at AUS, Conference Hall, Namsai District.
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The objective of workshop & Skill Mela was to create awareness among youth regarding various ongoing skill schemes being implemented by Government of Arunachal Pradesh. The workshop catered as a common platform for other Development Departments to come in a common platform supplementing the efforts of the various Departments of awareness and sensitize their ongoing schemes among the Youth. The workshop was attended by more than 159 youths from different background in addition to the resource persons and other invitees.
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Chief Guest Zingnu Namchoom, MLA while addressing the youth emphasised the importance of being skilled and highlighted on the vision of making India a hub for skilled manpower across the globe. He highlighted various efforts of the Government in this direction and motivated the youth for coming forward in strengthening the skilling eco systems. He appreciated the initiative being taken up like Japanese Language learning classes by the youth to facilitate employment opportunities in overseas especially in Japan under Specified Skilled Worker (SSW) & Technical Intern Training Program (TITP).
Subu Tabin, Director, SDE in his keynote address briefed the audience of the objectives of the workshop on SANKALP Project & Skill Mela and informed about various skill Development initiatives taken by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
Zimik, SEO, NSDC emphasised upon NSDC’s initiatives with respect to taking skilling to International level, and benefits of schemes like Specified Skilled Worker (SSW) & Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) offering job/ internship opportunities overseas and process and eligibility for availing the same.
The Deputy Commissioner cum DSC Chairperson, Namsai, C. R Khampa in his speech, highlighted the importance of acquiring skills and need of skilled youth in present scenario. He also emphasized and motivated the youths to take benefits from various schemes implemented by the Government. He urged upon the Department of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship to conduct skill gap study in the district which is of utmost very importance.
Jisuel Dongri, State coordinator, of Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship, Kamal Roy, DDM NABARD, Mr. Vipin Rawat, Assistant Registrar, highlighted various skilling initiatives of their respective organisations.