
Arunachal: RGU organizes Online Social Work Alumni Meet 2020

Rono Hills-  ‘Alumni are the brand-ambassadors of the institution they graduated from’, mentioned Vice Chancellor, RGU Prof. Saket Kushwaha, during the inaugural session of the Social Work Alumni Meet 2020 organized through online mode due to the prevalent pandemic situation. through digital platform.

‘A strong and a positive relationship with the alumni can benefit the institution socially, academically & professionally and vice-versa’, highlighted Prof. Amitava Mitra, Pro-VC during the inaugural session. With these opening remarks, the Department of Social Work, RGU has conducted first of its kind Online Social Work Alumni Meet, 2020 on the theme Alumni and Educational Institution: A Symbiotic Relationship incorporating a total of hundred participants approximately from previous and current batches.

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The keynote speaker of the day Prof. Gracious Thomas, Director, School of Social Work, Delhi, IGNOU deliberated upon, ‘Roadmap to Professional Status of Social Work in Contemporary India: Role of Alumni & Educational Institution’.

Apart from Prof. Thomas, the Alumni Meet along with the Social Work Fraternity was attended by esteemed dignitaries of Rajiv Gandhi University namely Prof. Saket Kushwaha, Honorable Vice Chancellor, Prof. Amitava Mitra, Pro Vice Chancellor, Prof. Tana Showren, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dr N.T Jose, Control of Examination (Acting) & President of RGU Alumni Association and Dr. Kaushalendra Pratap Singh, HoD, Social Work. The Meet consisted of four sessions namely Inaugural, Keynote Speech, Confluence of the Alumni with Current Batches and lastly Alumni Patronage-Collaboration and Expansion.

The Vice Chancellor during his inaugural address called upon the students and alumni to establish a self sufficient platform and take up more initiatives so as to contribute in near future to the institute without depending totally on the external sources for fund or support.

The significance and role of the alumni in bringing about changes in different part of the world were also shared. The honourable VC emphasized on how alumni associations with the institution have helped in constituting perpetual assets at BHU (Banaras Hindu University).

Similarly, various state universities at USA and other parts are contributing in the development and evolution of the institution and bringing desired change in the discipline, society and humanity at large through meaningful collaboration with alumni.

The Pro-VC stressed that how such initiative is path-breaking achievement in times of such crisis where physical proximity is totally avoidable and social distancing is a must. In such a situation, optimum utility of such online platforms in the pursuit to hear from the alumni and current students is replicable.

Prof. Mitra also acknowledged the pro-active role of Social Work Department in bringing a change in the society through collaborative efforts of the alumni and the faculties.

During his Keynote address, Prof. Thomas deliberated upon the challenges and scopes of the social work profession in the region as a means to encourage the social workers of the state to be value based change agents and enhance their bargaining capacity through such associations.

Prof. Tana Showren, Dean, Faculty of social Sciences, RGU said how such collaboration is one of a kind and important to bring respective changes in the dimensions of social work and social science pedagogy in sync with the changes required in the society.

Dr. Nani T. Jose, RGU alumni association president and Acting CoE of the University termed the initiative a tone setting endeavour and collaboration of two important aspects i.e. alumni and educational institution are critical to bring symbiotic relationship into existence.

Dr. Jose assured support and collaboration with RGU Alumni Association to the department alumni forum of Social Work for a long term, sustainable and meaningful contribution in the betterment of students as well as alumni fraternity in the region.

Dr. Kaushalendra Pratap Singh, HoD, Social Work during his welcome address to alumni and other dignitaries mentioned alumni as a key stakeholder and the most powerful resource of any institute. It was also brought to the fore that associating with their alma-mater is not just desired but need of the hour as the horizons are widening in every discipline.

Assistant Professor and Convenor of the meet, Dr. Ravi Ranjan Kumar shared with the participants that a robust, next-level student engagement plan in the form of Subject specific Alumni Association can positively influence the symbiotic relation with Alumni, Current Batches and Educational Institution learning, relearning and unlearning through the mutual processes of brainstorming and introspection.

Mr. John G Gangmei and Ms. Chaphiak Lowang, Assistant Professors, Department of Social Work too participated actively during the meet. The meet witnessed active participation of alumni from several batches serving as development professionals across the North East region. MSW IV Semester students Ms. Ceemona Taku, Mr. Nabam Kamin and Ms. Toko Sumpi served as moderators during the day long meet whereas Ms. Lipika Chetia, MSW- II Semester proposed the vote of thanks towards conclusion.

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