Arunachal: One Stop Centre, Leparada conducted a District Task Force meeting in Basar

BASAR- One Stop Centre, Leparada conducted a District Task Force meeting in Panchayat Hall, Basar, Leparada District, Arunachal Pradesh.
Geyir Basar, Case worker while welcoming OSC, District Task Force committee expressed satisfaction on behalf of OSC for organizing 1st ever District Task Force meeting of OSC, Leparada.
Miss Gopi Dirchi, Centre Administrator presented a power point on the roles and services of the OSC in detail and informed that different types of cases are received by the OSC and till date it has registered 17 cases. She has also addressed the issues of OSC and needful action to be taken was requested to the convergence department of OSC, where D.M.O, Basar was requested to delegate medical personnel for OSC for emergency medical procedure followed with S.P, Leparada to designate a Police Facitation Officer (PFO) for OSC to facilitate prompt and proper filing of FIR and other police assistance. Lastly, it was requested to DALSA, Leparada to designate a lawyer for hassle free services to victims and liaisoning could be done by Para Legal Lawyer of OSC for follow up of cases.
During open Mic discussion, Adv. Mikar Basar, representative of Bar Association, Leparada, spoke about the POCSO, Act 2012 and appealed all the esteemed members to work together in unity to achieve the safety of women and girl child.
District Panchayat Officer-cum-EAC, Shri Murnya Kakki, appreciated the work of OSC Leparada, and said in such short period, OSC have tackled the cases and gracefully executed and performance of the team OSC was applauded by him.
CDPO-cum-Protection Officer Leparada, Shri Moli Nyodu placed the issues in front of the committee faced by OSC in interventions of cases as a Nodal Officer of OSC, Leparada and appealed DMO, Basar to constitute a board member to provide emergency medical services to avoid in delaying the medical assistance.
Mrs Ribbi Dirchi Basar, president of APPWS Basar unit expressed heartiest thanks to OSC and mentioned it has became easy for them to work for the upliftment of women folk and society after OSC has established in the district and many of their referred cases to OSC, Leparada have availed compensation and interims in court.
Karrik Basar, DMO, Basar, highlighted the initial phase of OSC when it was meant to be constructed in the premise of District Hospital, Basar. Later, earmark of OSC land was taken to be constructed in the premise of the office of the CDPO, Basar.
P.N. Thungdok, S.P, Leparada, spoke on how the police station, Basar takes the matter of violence against women and girl child severely and they are always available to ensure the safety of the them, also expressed his relief that OSC could provide shelter to aggrieved women because in many cases they are in conundrum where to keep the girl child and women in custody of police department. He also encouraged conducting more awareness in schools targeting the adolescence age group of children to less invite POSCO cases.
Mrs Mamata Riba, Deputy Commissioner, Leparada expressed her warm thanks to the entire member for rendering commendable services for the development of District. Meanwhile, she mentioned the revised guidelines of POCSO Act, 2012 and instructed all to go through it.
She acknowledged the work of Smti Ribbi Dirchi Basar, Smti Toi Dirchi, Smti Geyum Riba presidents of APWWS, Basar Unit, Women Wing GRK, and Women Wing GWS respectively for working selflessly towards women empowerment. Concluded with instructing S.P, D.M.O and other convergence departments of OSC to delegate a personnel for OSC to facilitate speedy assistance to women who approached OSC and are in need of assistance.
Lastly, Adv. Geyir Basar in her vote of thanks expressed gratitude to District Task Force Committee for their participation in the meeting in spite of their busy schedule.