
Arunachal: Mega Legal Awareness Prog-cum-Marriage Registration held at Sagalee

Total of 28 couples were facilitated marriage registration-cum-counseling by………

SAGALEE- Arunachal Pradesh State Legal Services Authority organized Mega Legal Awareness Programme in collaboration with Hope & Shine Society (NGO), Sagalee Unit of Arunachal Pradesh Women Welfare Society (APWWS) and Arunachal State Rural Livelihood Mission (ASrLM) on October 26,  at ADC Conference Hall, Sagalee.

Yomge Ado, Member Secretary, addressed on the importance of Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs), and explained the audience extensively on the roles & duties of Legal Services Institutions.

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Ado said “One should know his/her own rights and about the free legal aid/services for the poor and illiterate provided under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987”.  He also urged the Members and authorities to implement these schemes for the benefit of all the vulnerable and weaker sections of the society.

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After the NALSA Theme song “Ek Mutthi Aasman” was screened during the program, Ado briefed the lyrics to the participants that “free access to justice is for everyone, primarily the poor and weaker sections of the society”.

During the day long program, participants were sensitized on various mandated schemes of NALSA and other Govt. Welfare scheme such as Arunachal Pradesh Victim Compensation Scheme, 2011, Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place Act, 2013, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, Lok Adalat/Marriage Registration and further elaborated about the “immediate relief and services” which can be avail from Legal Aid Clinic through Para Legal Volunteers and District Legal Services Authorities of respective District by the Resource Persons Adv Oyam Binggep & Adv Techi Natu, Legal Aid Counsels, DLSA, Papumpare.

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The participants discussed thoroughly on the matter related to marriage registration and sought clarity on some legal aspects with the Resource Persons.

Higio Yame, Adl. Deputy Commissioner, Sagalee, spoke on the role of Gaon Burhas/Gaon Burihs and its importance in administration and emphasized them to hold no political influence while holding such place.

While Mrs Tob Naso Nabam, Director, Hope & Shine Society, Doimukh, dwelt on Gender equality and encouraged everyone to raise awareness on importance of marriage registration to their family members and neighbors.

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Total of 28 couples were facilitated marriage registration-cum-counseling by Advocate Terji Gamlin, Front Office Advocate of APSLSA on the spot during the programme and over 206 participants including Gaon Burahs/Gaon Burihs, SHGs, NGOs, staff of ArSRLM and general public of Sagalee actively participated and benefitted from MLAP.

Arunachal Pradesh State Legal Services Authority (APSLSA), Itanagar, in collaboration with East Siang District inaugurated 3 New Legal Aid Clinics in the premises of Police Station namely PS Likabali, Lower Siang District, PS Pangin, Siang District and PS Ruksin, East Siang District on dated 17/10/2024, 21/10/2024 & 22/10/2024 respectively in compliance with the direction of NALSA and the Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 427 of 2022 titled Bachpan Bachao Andolan Vs Union of India and Ors.

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