
Arunachal: Bridge collapse near Seijosa, ultimatum to Patanjali Ayurveda


A bailey bridge in Seijosa circle collapsed under the weight of a heavily loaded truck of Patanjali Ayurveda passing through it on Tuesday, after that Student’s union serve 15 days ultimatum to Patanjali Ayurveda

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A bailey bridge in Seijosa circle under East Kameng district of Arunachal collapsed under the weight of a heavily loaded truck on Tuesday, causing tremendous hardships to the local populace, especially on the farmers’ community for their survival.

The A2 Bailey Bridge was the only lifeline which gave connectivity to Golloso, A3, Jolly, Lanka, Murgaso and Dayaso villages in Seijosa with the outside world.

The truck which belonged to the Patanjali Ayurved Pvt. Ltd Hariduar,  Camp Tezpur was apparently carrying cement bags and weighed around 36 tons when it was passing the bridge. The bridge was designed for vehicles only under 10 tons.

The steel bridge buckled under the overloaded truck; ergo, which capsized. No one was hurt in the accident.

Holding the Patanjali Ayurved Pvt. Ltd responsible for the mishap, the All Pakke-Kessang Dissing Passo Seijosa Students’ Union (APPDSSU) has served a 15 days ultimatum to the Additional Deputy Commissioner, Seijosa, to repair the bridge and make an eviction drive on the illegal labourers who are working without ILP in the Patanjali Botanical Garden at Seijosa plant.

The APPDSSU in this connection has lodged a complaint against S.K Rai, Project Director of the Patanjali Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. at Seijosa Police Station, for disregarding the load capacity of the bridge and hence damaging it intentionally.

Expressing strong resentment towards the botanical garden, the union alleged that the ayurved plant is operating since many months without concern and knowledge of neighbourhood inhabitants, which has deeply hurt local sentiments; exploiting the natural flora and fauna, for the individual benefit of the land donor,

“Thousands of skilled and unskilled non-tribal labourers without obtaining proper inner Line Permit (ILP) have been brought into Arunachal Territory by Patanjali Ayurved Pvt. Ltd. dominating and terrifying the local people of Seijosa” the union further claimed.

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